Cost of living survey
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There are many different residential homes in the Barking and Dagenham area. Most of them are independently run by a variety of organisations.
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We can provide lots of support for you at home with trained carers visiting you during the day to help with your meals, washing, going to the toilet and getting in and out of bed.
You can find out more information visiting our Help to live at home page.
However you might need more help than this, and you may be considering moving to a residential care home.
Going into a residential care home means you give up your own home and move into a care home to be looked after, usually with other people. You will usually get your own room and will be able to take some treasured possessions with you.
Staff in the home are trained and the home has to meet certain standards. The manager of the home is checked and registered with CQC (Care Quality Commission). If you are placed in a home by the council we will visit you after about six to eight weeks to see how you are, and whether you still need to be in a home.
You can see that going into a residential care home is a big decision. You should try not to make the decision when you are in hospital, or after a crisis such as a fall. We will try and support you at home to give you time to come to your decision. Sometimes your family may want you to go into a residential care home because they are worried about you, but it is your decision.
We will carry out an assessment with you if you need lots of care and support. This will tell us what kind of support you need.
The CQC’s website lists all of the care homes in the borough. This website also tells you how big the homes are, who they cater for and what facilities they have. All homes are inspected and are kept to high standards.
You can also contact the Adult Intake Team on 020 8227 2915 or
It is incredibly hard to lose a partner, and it takes a long time to deal with. If your partner dies, you should wait at least a year before making big decisions like selling your home, leaving the area or moving in with relatives. Family members should not encourage you to move simply because your partner has died.
Sometimes, older people find that their memory is not as good as it used to be. They may start to forget dates, or become confused in places they do not know well. Most people who experience some loss of memory will be more comfortable in their own homes - where they feel secure and they know where things are.
If an older person starts to forget things or shows signs of being confused, families may feel that they want the "peace of mind" of having their mum or dad cared for in a care home.
Although we understand that you might feel that placing your mum or dad in a care home would put your mind at ease, we have to put their needs first. We know that, for many people, leaving their own home adds to their confusion. Being in a place they don't know can quickly make them more anxious and confused. Some people in care homes do not see their families as much as they did when they were in their own homes.
Some people in their 70s or 80s feel that their family thinks they should not live alone, because "something might happen". Often with the best of intentions, families can put their peace of mind above the needs of their vulnerable older relatives. But life does involve taking risks.
We try to tell family members that, while people may fall in their own homes, they may also fall in a care home. People may be more likely to fall in a care home because they are in a place they are not familiar with and there may be things (such as walking sticks) leaning against chairs, or spills on the floor. People who wander can still wander away from care homes.
If someone has tended not to mix with people all their life, they are not likely to want to mix with other people just because they live in the same care home.
Residential care is not always the best way to provide company for lonely relatives. Attending a day service is a great way to meet people, be entertained and looked after. But some people prefer their own company or prefer to be on their own.
Generally, we would not advise someone in hospital to move directly into a care home. It is really difficult to see what care and support someone in a hospital bed will need when they return home.
People leaving hospital need carefully planned support so that we can see how they cope in their own homes.
Many people improve in stages when they return home from hospital. Often, they become less confused, their appetite increases and they sleep better in their own bed.
There are many different types of accommodation offering different types and levels of care.
Some types of accommodation have a warden who will support residents, and some, like Extra Care housing, have qualified care staff who live on-site and who can give support to residents at any time of the day or night.
There is a range of services to support people to live in their own homes. We provide some of these, while some are provided by voluntary organisations or purchased by the council. We provide funding to a range of voluntary organisations to provide community services to our residents. Continuing to live at home could be easier than you think.
For more information visit our Help at home page.
We are committed to helping people be more independent in their own homes. We can provide a Personal Budget, where we give you or your carer money to pay for your own support services.
We can help you decide which services you want and help you choose where you want them from. For more help and advice, contact the Adult Intake and Access Team on 020 8227 2915.
If you have to go into a residential care home, you will have to pay towards this but you don't need to worry.
The amounts depend on your income (how much you have coming in each week), and your assets (your savings, investments and the value of any property you own).
We will help you to calculate this, and usually the residential home staff will help with this too. The charges will never stop you getting the care you need.
For further information you can visit our Paying for care page.
See information on the services available in your local area.
Contact the Adult Intake Team for more information on adult social care.
Telephone 020 8227 2915