Eat Healthier

Making small, simple changes to what and how much you are eating and drinking can really help you lose the pounds.

A poor diet can lead to a number of negative side effects including cancer, diabetes, low confidence, stroke, infertility and high cholesterol.  Give your child the best possible start by encouraging them to be active and eat well.  Deciding ‘what’, ‘when’ and ‘how much’ to give your child is not always easy.  

We have a range of programmes to support you and your children:

The NHS BMI (body mass index) calculator can help you find out if you're a healthy weight.  You can also use it to check your child's BMI.

If you think you may be suffering from any of the above conditions, you should speak to your GP or healthcare professional.  You should also consult your GP or healthcare professional before beginning any exercise or diet programme.

Also, don't forget that if you're under 18 and pregnant or if you're pregnant or have a child under four years old and are on benefits, you could get Healthy Start vouchers to help you buy some basic foods and milk.