Cost of living survey
Help us improve the cost of living support in Barking and Dagenham by taking part in our survey. Your feedback is invaluable in enhancing the support we offer!
The sensory team, within the Enabling Independence Team provide a service for people with a sight and/or hearing loss.
Emergency 999 or Medical 111 or COVID19 119 in BSL 2022 (PDF, 325KB)
Election 4 July 2024 information in BSL (PDF, 145.92 KB)
Useful information handout 2024 HI (PDF, 169.88 KB)
Useful information handout 2024 HI (DOCX, 116.72 KB)
Useful Information handout 2024 VI (PDF, 133.79 KB)
Useful Information handout 2024 VI (DOCX, 109.3 KB)
Useful Information handout 2024 VI Large Print (PDF, 139.05 KB)
Useful Information handout 2024 VI Large Print (DOCX, 112.25 KB)
Useful information handout 2024 DB (PDF, 159.72 KB)
Useful information handout 2024 DB (DOCX, 118.94 KB)
Learning BSL April 2023 (PDF, 59.64 KB)
Useful information in BSL December 2023 (PDF, 308.02 KB)
Audiology Services information (PDF, 131.69 KB)
We offer information, advice and guidance, orientation and mobility training, hearing aid management training and some assistive equipment/aids; if needed this could help you to manage your sight and/or hearing loss independently.
If you are worried about your sight or hearing, please visit your doctor or optician. You can also use the following NHS online resources.
You may self-refer, or ask a friend or relative, Doctor or Optician, Audiologist or Ophthalmologist to refer you to our services.
Post: Disability Service Sensory Team, Dagenham Library F01 1 Church Elm Lane Dagenham RM10 9QS
Telephone: 020 8227 2915
Please provide your full name and address, date of birth, the reason for the referral and any medical evidence (such as Certificate of Visual Impairment and/or Audiogram) if possible.
When we receive a copy of your Certificate of Visual Impairment (CVI) or Audiogram we will register your sight and/or hearing loss with LBBD and send you a Registration Card with a Letter offering you a home visit to assess your needs. This registration is voluntary, and you may add or remove your name at any time. Guidance: Certificate of Visual Impairment
Registration of sight and/or hearing loss
If you are registered as sight impaired/partially sighted, severely sight impaired/blind, deaf or hard of hearing, you may be able to claim certain benefits. For example, you may be entitled to a Freedom Pass, Blue Badge, Taxi Card, Personal Independent Payment (PIP) or Attendance Allowance (if over 65). And some services offer concessions.
If you have a sight and/or hearing loss that is affecting your day to day life, an assessment could help you. This could be to help with:
The outcome of this assessment will be a Support Plan which may include:
Is it confidential?
We will treat the information you give us during your assessment as confidential. We always ask for your permission to share with other professionals providing services to meet your needs.
If you are eligible for support?
Some of your care and support needs may require additional funding. A means-tested financial assessment will be required. This will determine whether we are able to fund some or all your services.
The Sensory Team are available for an informal face to face contact at Barking Learning Centre or Dagenham Library as stated below, no appointment required.
Deaf Drop-in Service (DOCX, 117.2 KB)
Please visit Dagenham Library at the times shown below if you need information, advice or guidance related to your hearing loss or accessibility needs.
The Deaf Community Worker, Maryan Ahmed is available face to face every Tuesday at 1pm to 3pm and the Dual Sensory Worker Bernadette Wakeling is available face to face every Thursday 2pm to 4pm.
For online support, please email:
Deaf Drop-in Service (PDF, 82.34 KB)
LBBD tuesday club (PDF, 137.77 KB)
Do you have difficulties accessing information because of a hearing loss, or sight loss, or both? Learn how to use accessibility tools and Apps on your mobile phone, tablet, or laptop with guidance from the sensory team.
Digital Ability Inclusion Drop-in (PDF, 86.51 KB)
Digital Ability Inclusion Drop-in (DOCX, 210.52 KB)
Deaf Awareness Week 1 to 7 May 2023 theme Access to Communication, 2 May 2023 Dagenham Library VRS talk in BSL and chat. BSL interpreters available.
Webinar 3 - Eye on Mental Health (Word, 42KB)
Webinar 4 - Live Well See Well (Word, 42KB)
Please find more useful information with these weblinks:
Deafblind UK | Supporting Deafblindness in the UK
Deafblindness - Management - NHS (