Cost of living survey
Help us improve the cost of living support in Barking and Dagenham by taking part in our survey. Your feedback is invaluable in enhancing the support we offer!
How to use colours to create consistent and user friendly online experiences on Barking and Dagenham digital products.
Hex code: #E60000
Accent colour for icons and non-text decoration
Hex code: #0B0C0C
Body copy, headings, borders, footer background
Hex code: #FFFFFF
Copy on dark backgrounds, background, footer text
Hex code: 320A4B
Hex code: #0B0C0C
Body text
Hex code: FFDD00
Focus state for text. Can also be used as an outline for non text elements such as buttons, links around images and alert banners.
Hex code: #2832A0
Linked text and information alerts.
Hex code: #007934
Call to action/start buttons. Positive state to inform user about success and progress.