Inclusion Team Vision

As an Inclusion Team we aim to support schools, young people, and families in Barking and Dagenham by focusing on ways to engage young people in their learning.

We do this through early intervention and looking at key strategies such as the prevention of/and reducing suspensions, exclusions and keeping pupils in school to achieve good attendance.

We aim to work together with the local community to provide a supportive service to keep children and young people in education and ensuring that their education and learning needs are met and supported.

We base our ambition on the Local Authority’s ‘Best Chance in Life’ strategy especially in reference to the following priorities:

  1. Ensuring all children have a choice of a good quality, local provision (including alternative provision) that meets their child’s needs, is inclusive, improves equity of outcomes and reduces likelihood of poor attendance and exclusion
  2. Improving educational outcomes and standards across all key stages and subjects, in line with England and London performance including attendance.

The Inclusion Team can offer support on the following:

Schools and services

  • advice around preventative strategies regarding exclusions and procedures,
  • advice around school placement/managed moves,
  • signpost schools to information and key services
  • arrange, chair and facilitate professionals’ meetings,
  • link service to advice regarding elective home education (EHE), Modified Learning Plans (MLP), Alternative Provision (AP) & Interim Tuition
  • Inclusion Outreach, (Mayesbrook)
  • Rapid Response (RR)
  • Education Placement Panel (EPP)
  • Fair Access Panel. (FAP)
  • Vulnerable Pupil Hot Clinics (VPHC)
  • leadership Inclusion Primary & Secondary phases including supporting transition

Young people and families

  • advice around support and concerns raised by the young person/family.
  • advice around school placements/managed moves.
  • signpost young person/family to services and key information
  • link service to advice and continued support regarding elective home education (EHE), Modified Learning Plans (MLP), Alternative Provision (AP) & Interim Tuition
  • advice and support regarding young person being heard at Rapid Response, Education Placement Pane (EPP)l, Fair Access Panel (FAP) and Vulnerable Pupil Hot Clinics (VPHC)

For advice and guidance, please contact in the first instance the Inclusion Team at email