Best Chance 0-25 Partnership

Giving children and young people the best chance in life.

Every child and young person, regardless of the circumstances they were born into, deserves the best chance in life to fulfil their potential.

That’s why our Best Chance 0-25 Partnership has established a set of common goals and created a more joined-up approach to health, care and community integration, including education, special needs and early years provision.

Our shared strategic outcomes framework


Graph with the following text: Our shared strategic outcomes framework: We want our babies, children and young people to get the best start, be healthy and achieve. To grow up to be successful young adults. To thrive in inclusive schools and settings, in inclusive communities. To be safe and secure, free from neglect, harm and exploitation.


Developed in partnership between the council, health sector, local schools, voluntary and community groups, the new approach delivers care to reduce health inequalities and improve the life chances of children, young people and their families, with a particular emphasis on early prevention.

The Best Chance 0-25 Partnership was produced in response to a growing number of challenges faced by children and young people in the borough, including having the highest proportion of children (0 –17) in the UK and the highest level of obesity in children in Year 6. The report also outlines how 46 per cent of children live in households on the poverty line – one of the highest in the country.

Best Chance Partnership Strategy (PDF, 1.78 MB)

Our system priorities


Text on image: In our work together to develop the plan, a number of issues came up consistently, which we all agreed required greater visibility with a clearer, shared and integrated plans to tackle them better, head on and together. By giving every child the best start in life (the first 1001 days). By reducing prevalence of harm caused by domestic abuse. By acting together against child poverty. By improving quality, access and support for those with SEND. By reducing obesity.


Other ambitions of the plan, called the Babies, Children, Young People and Families (0-25) Partnership - Best Chance Strategy, include giving babies the best start in life through a network of family hubs, helping youngsters to thrive in inclusive schools, and grow to be successful young adults taking advantage of the inclusive growth opportunities within the borough, including the film studios and markets.