Cost of living survey
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The pavement licence authorises the placement of removable furniture on part of a relevant highway adjacent to the premises for either or both of two defined purposes, namely:
'Furniture' is defined as:
If the premises the applicant uses or intends to use has a Licensing Act 2003 licence to serve alcohol for consumption only on the premises, temporary amendments to 2003 Act will generally result in a temporary authorisation for alcohol to be sold for consumption off the premises without the need to apply for a variation of the licence.
The grant of a pavement licence will not extend or alter the permitted hours conditioned on any planning permission and/or specified on a premises licence for the premises to which it relates. So, if a premises has a Licensing Act 2003 licence permitting the sale of alcohol between specified hours, those are the maximum hours that alcohol may be sold for consumption on an area covered by an associated pavement licence.