Cost of living survey
Help us improve the cost of living support in Barking and Dagenham by taking part in our survey. Your feedback is invaluable in enhancing the support we offer!
Find out how to become a childminder in Barking and Dagenham.
To become a childminder in the borough, you must:
It is highly recommended that you hold a UK level 2 qualification or certificate in English. If you don't, you may wish to contact The Adult College, which offers a range of English courses and will be able to assess your skills.
Decide which Ofsted register you wish to register on - either the Early Years Register, the Childcare Register, or both:
It is highly recommended that Barking and Dagenham applicants registering on the early years register attend a briefing session to start this process.
The Briefing Session covers:
Apply to attend a briefing session
You must complete the following courses to register:
Ofsted will require evidence that you have completed these.
The London Borough of Barking and Dagenham takes no responsibility for any concerns you may have if you choose to use any of the training providers listed below. This is not an exhaustive list and other training providers are available. All training must meet the borough and Ofsted registration requirements.
PACEY website.
0300 003 0006
This must be a 12 hour course approved by us.
PIP Services website.
0800 111 6303
Frinton Training website.
01255 678470
British Red Cross - First aid training website
St John Ambulance - First aid training website.
020 7258 7014
HSH - Training, audit and consultancy website.
03333 059688
PIP Services website.
020 8598 4250
HSH - Training, audit and consultancy website.
03333 059688
HMRC has tax advice for childminders and a childminders: expenses page. has advice on writing a business plan.
New childminders should apply for a Lawful Development Certificate LDC. This is to ensure that childminders are operating lawfully in planning terms.
Visit our Planning permission page for further information
When your registration is complete, Ofsted will notify our Family Information Service. You will then be allocated an early years development officer who will arrange to visit you to discuss the support available to registered childminders in the borough.