Cost of living survey
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Information on reading and play activities for children and young people
We’ve created 22 playable play spaces with £235m investment received from Play England, as part of transformation of local areas into innovative and adventurous play spaces.
Reading for just ten minutes a day can massively improve children’s literacy.
Whether you have a newborn, a preschooler, or an older child, there are lots of fun ways you can help them develop.
Research has repeatedly shown that the most accurate predictor of a pupil’s achievement is not parent income but the extent to which parents create a home environment that encourages learning.
Children are twice as likely to read outside the classroom if they are encouraged to read by both their mother and father.
Benefits for children who are encouraged to read by their parents include:
If you can spare just ten minutes a day to read with your children you can make a huge difference to their development and help give your children the best start in life so they can succeed.
It doesn’t have to be just books that you read - it can be a comic, magazine article or a story you have made up yourselves.
Tips for parents and carers: