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Pay your FPN online, information on FPNs, appealing your FPN and what happens if you fail to pay.
You'll need to give your name, address, the notice number and offence code (this can be found on your fixed penalty notice letter) when you pay your FPN online.
You can be issued a FPN by street enforcement officers on behalf of us for a variety of offences considered to be ‘antisocial’ in nature. They can be issued to any person aged 18 years or over.
If you pay a fixed penalty in full you'll be released from the offence and may not need to go to court. You have 14 calendar days to pay the penalty although certain offences offer a discounted amount if paid within 10 days.
Details of discounted amounts are shown on the individual FPN and vary per offence. If you don't pay the matter could be referred to court for prosecution.
Some examples of offences where a FPN may be issued include:
You have no formal right to appeal a fixed penalty notice but we will consider informal representations in writing during the 14-day period you are given to pay the penalty. We'll consider your appeal within 10 working days from the date your appeal is received.
The FPN will be put on hold until a decision is made and you will be notified in writing of the outcome. If your appeal is upheld the matter is concluded and no further enforcement action will be taken against you.
If your appeal is rejected you have 7 days from the date of the appeal rejection letter to pay the penalty in full. If you do not pay the FPN in full we will refer the matter to its solicitors to consider prosecution. You may then be required to attend court.
Send your appeal, setting out your reasons for appealing it, to the address that appears on the fixed penalty notice or email it to
If you do not pay the penalty you should consider consulting a legal advisor (some types of criminal advice are not covered by legal aid and you may be personally liable for any cost incurred).
If the court convicts you of the offence you may receive a fine (which could be more than the amount of the FPN). You may also be liable to pay all of our prosecution costs and you will receive a criminal record.