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Almost 240 people attended the Serious Violence Summit which took place in London East, Dagenham.
Barking and Dagenham Council hosted London’s first East BCU tri-borough Serious Violence Summit in partnership with Havering and Redbridge Councils on Wednesday 16 January 2019. The event brought together key partners and local communities to discuss the challenges of serious violence and how we can work in partnership to tackle the complex root causes of violent crime.
The Summit started an honest conversation about the causes and challenges of violent crime and the solutions that are needed with key partners to make positive and sustainable change. Key note speakers included:
Information, resources and best practice ideas were shared throughout the Summit, which heard first-hand how best to tackle the root causes of serious violence within communities.
The Summit also announced the establishment of a Commission which will tackle cultural aspects that may have helped to normalise domestic violence in some parts of Barking and Dagenham.
Following the first tri-borough Serious Violence Summit at Barking and Dagenham, plans are being developed to host further Summits across the tri-borough.
"It was good to see a mixture of professionals, schools, community representatives, residents and victims families. Also great to come away with ideas and links to take back to schools."
"I would like to thank everyone who contributed to deliver the first Serious Violence Summit. All the speakers provided so much information which was presented in a way that gave everyone a true reflection of the problem but they also provided a realistic way of solving this problem."
"Let me congratulate you on the insightful Serious Violence Summit … the day was thought provoking and hard hitting. Let’s hope all three boroughs can collectively build on the momentum started by Barking and Dagenham Council to address the serious issue of violence crime."
"Very informative and inspiring speeches. Look forward to seeing the results of shared best practice across all boroughs to see the reduction in serious violence."
"A number of very informative and inspirational speakers ... beneficial in terms of getting key people in one place to have an open discussion about such pressing and serious issues."
"Excellent event with some powerful speakers. Let’s hope this is the start of something big for the tri-boroughs to continue."
"I have taken away many points which I will be incorporating into my work. Many thanks to everyone involved in the organisation and delivery of the summit."
"A great, informative day! Lots of information and resources to take away to share with others."