Cost of living survey
Help us improve the cost of living support in Barking and Dagenham by taking part in our survey. Your feedback is invaluable in enhancing the support we offer!
The Local Government Act 2000 requires local authorities to have a scrutiny function
The council takes a collaborative and objective approach to scrutiny. It has two scrutiny committees made up of councillors who are not members of the cabinet. These committees challenge the council (and its partners) and provide clear guidance on relevant issues.
In addition, along with neighbouring boroughs, the council is represented on the Outer North East London Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee, which looks at and monitors local health services.
Agendas and minutes for the meeting can be viewed on the London Borough of Havering website.
Scrutiny works for, and on behalf of, local people. We welcome public involvement at every opportunity.
Get involved if you would like to contribute to the scrutiny process and help make Barking and Dagenham a better place.
The purpose of call-in is to give non-cabinet members of the council the opportunity to challenge decisions and hold decision-makers to account, ensuring that executive powers are discharged properly.
Call-in does not apply when a decision is deemed to be urgent. This is because any delay likely to be caused by the call-in process could seriously prejudice the council’s or the public’s interests.
Councillors are able to call in a decision for one or more of these reasons:
Councillors wishing to call in a Cabinet decision must complete a Call-in Form.
Call-in-form (DOC, 343.50 KB)
Once called in, the decision cannot be changed but The Overview Scrutiny or Health Scrutiny Committees can refer it back to the decision-maker for reconsideration.
When a decision is referred back, the decision-maker may be asked to consider particular points or alternative courses of action recommended by scrutiny members.
Call-in should only be used in exceptional circumstances and should be avoided through regular checking of the council’s Forward Plan and effective pre-decision scrutiny.
The full call-in process can be found in Part 2 Chapter 8 (paragraph 6) of the council’s Constitution.
Councillor Call for Action aims to create stronger bonds between scrutiny, councillors and local people.
It offers councillors a chance to bring an important issue before a scrutiny committee for wider debate.
It should only be used when all other ways of resolving the problem have been exhausted within the council.
The full Councillor Call for Action process can be found in Part 2, Chapter 8 (paragraph 7) of the council’s Constitution.
Councillor Call for Action form (DOCX, 15 KB)
A petition is a formal document appealing to the council for a right or benefit.
If a valid petition with 1,500 or more signatures is received by the council, then that petition will be presented to a Scrutiny Committee to be debated.
This will be done in accordance with the council’s Petition Scheme.
Details of previous scrutiny reviews completed since 2008.
OSC Ambition 2020 and its Early Impact scrutiny report (PDF, 2.19MB)
HSC System-wide Review into Childhood Obesity scrutiny report (PDF, 2MB)
Cancer scrutiny report (PDF, 2.26 MB)
Adoption scrutiny report (PDF, 1.31 MB)
SSCSC Police report (PDF, 512.20 KB)
CSSC School visits pack 2015 (PDF, 888.17 KB)
HASSC Local eye care services scrutiny 2015 (2) (PDF, 1.12 MB)
SSCSC Parking & traffic measures scrutiny 2014 (PDF, 529.20 KB)
AA Elevate scrutiny report (DOCX, 63.86 KB)
Appendix 2 Governance chart (PDF, 41.94 KB)
Appendix 3 PAASC decisions flowchart (DOCX, 23.32 KB)
Appendix 4 Timetable of scrutiny activities (DOCX, 13.08 KB)
Appendix 5 Barking OSS site visit notes (PDF, 58.23 KB)
Appendix 6 Summit notes (DOCX, 38.63 KB)
Appendix 7 One Stop Shop pressures Sep 2012 (PDF, 124.68 KB)
Appendix 8 Elevate operational report Sep 2012 (P&C) (PDF, 1.73 MB)
CSSC School supporting & strengthening school councils scrutiny 2013 (PDF, 885.44 KB)
HASSC Potential impact of recession on mental health scrutiny 2013 (PDF, 1.46 MB)
HASSC Type diabetes services scrutiny 2013 (PDF, 1.39 MB)
LWSC Discretionary award scheme for young people in FE 2013 (PDF, 147.41 KB)
LWSC The emerging private rented sector scrutiny 2012 (PDF, 480.19 KB)
No reviews completed
CSSC Child protection policies & practices in schools scrutiny 2010 (PDF, 219.50 KB)
HASSC Dementia services scrutiny 2010 (PDF, 417.68 KB)
HASSC Smoking cessation scrutiny 2010 (PDF, 262.69 KB)
LWSC Fly-tipping scrutiny 2010 (PDF, 652.90 KB)
LWSC Supported housing for older people scrutiny 2010 (PDF, 573.20 KB)
SSCSC Anti-social behaviour scrutiny 2010 (PDF, 248.88 KB)
SSCSC Community cohesion scrutiny 2010 (PDF, 788.88 KB)
Facilities & activities for children & young people panel report 2009 (PDF, 313.79 KB)
SMB GP services scrutiny report 2009 (PDF, 108.40 KB)
Children's Trust scrutiny panel report 2008 (PDF, 81.69 KB)
SMB Places of religious worship & associated community facilities policy scrutiny panel 2008 (PDF, 106.89 KB)