Cost of living survey
Help us improve the cost of living support in Barking and Dagenham by taking part in our survey. Your feedback is invaluable in enhancing the support we offer!
Certain community and voluntary organisations have the right by law to nominate local land or buildings to be included in a list of assets of community value.
Community value:
Examples could include:
Examples cannot include:
If the owner of a listed asset wants to sell it, they must let us know first. An initial period of six weeks is then given for local community groups to register an interest in making a bid to buy.
If an interest is registered by an eligible voluntary or community body, the asset cannot be sold for six months. This gives time for a proposal to be developed and capital to be raised to bid when the asset comes onto the open market at the end of that period.
The listing of assets is to allow time for groups to prepare a bid alongside other potential buyers if the asset comes up for sale within 5 years of listing. Any sale, after the 6 month period, takes place under normal market conditions.
The owner is under no obligation to sell to a community group
Community groups that have registered an interest are under no obligation to bid or purchase.
Many different types of land or buildings can be nominated as assets of community value.
Examples include:
Examples include:
Examples include:
Examples include:
Examples include:
Use our the community right to bid nomination form to nominate assets of community value. The form is split into five sections which ask questions about your organisation and the asset you are nominating.
CRTB nomination form (DOCX) (DOCX, 39.51 KB)
CRTB nomination form (PDF) (PDF, 87.85 KB)
Nominations must include:
Nominations should be submitted to our Assets Team at the address shown below.
We have eight weeks from receipt of an application to contact your organisation. We will tell you if the asset meets the definition set out in law, or if it falls into one of the excluded categories.
We will decide if a nominated asset of community value should be included on the list within eight weeks of receiving the nomination form.
If we decide to list an asset, our decision and reasons will be sent to the:
If your nomination has been successful, the details will be published on our list of assets of community value.
Assets will be listed for five years and be notified to the Land Registry as a registered restriction in the land register for the land, and a Local Land Charge.
Ref | Date Nomination Received | Assessment Date | Asset Address | Reason for Decision | Date Asset Listed | Date for Removal (5 years from listing) |
January 2022 | 17 February 2022 | 11 May 2022 | 108 Boundary Road, Barking, IG11 7JR | The panel that reviewed the application concluded that the asset nominated met the definition of an asset of community value as set out in section 88 (2) of the Localism Act 2011. | 11 May 2022 | 10 May 2027 |
We will decide whether a nominated asset of community value should be included on the list within eight weeks of receiving the nomination form.
If we decide not to include an asset, our decision and our reasons will be sent to the:
If your nomination has been unsuccessful, the details will be published on our list of assets of community value nominations.
Assets will be listed for five years and be notified to the Land Registry as a registered restriction in the land register for the land, and a Local Land Charge.
Ref |
Date Nomination Received |
Assessment Date |
Asset Address |
Reason for Decision |
Date Asset Listed |
Date for Removal (5 years from listing) |
May 2023 |
16 May 2023 |
25 May 2023 |
47 Thames Road, Barking, IG11 0HQ |
The panel that reviewed the application concluded that the asset nominated did not meet the definition of an asset of community value as set out in section 88 (2) of the Localism Act 2011. |
N/a |
24 May 2028 |
If an owner wishes to dispose of an asset that is included in the list of assets of community value and it is not an exempt disposal, they must notify us in writing.
Notifications should be posted to us at the address shown below.
The list of assets of community value will be updated to show we have received notice of an intention to dispose of the asset, together with the date of that notification and the resulting interim and full moratorium periods and the protected period.
We will notify the original nominator in writing that we have received notice of an intention to dispose of the asset and will publish details in the area where the asset is situated.
Groups must send us a completed intention to bid form within six weeks of the notice to dispose of the asset.
This intention may only be submitted by a suitably constituted community interest group that can demonstrate its local connection.
Unincorporated organisations and neighbourhood forums are excluded from bidding.
The law defines ‘community interest group’ for the purpose of rights to bid.
CRTB intention to bid form (DOCX, 36.90 KB)
The intention to bid should be submitted in writing together with evidence to support that the bid is being made by a suitably constituted group.
Send your form to the address shown below.
We advise nominators to obtain proof of delivery, either by using recorded receipt postage or by obtaining a receipt for hand-delivered post.
We will pass the intention to bid to the owner of the land, or inform them of the details, as soon as possible after receipt. This will trigger the full six month moratorium period during which the asset cannot be sold.
Flow chart showing more information about the right to bid process:
CRTB bidding process (PDF, 226.71 KB)