Cost of living survey
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Who has the right to challenge how we deliver services and submit an expression of interest to take over the provision of a council service
By law, any of the following have a right to challenge how we deliver services and submit an expression of interest to take over the provision of a council service:
This is not the only way that you can express your views on how services are run.
Find out more about how the council works and council consultations.
Community right to challenge - statutory guidance explains which organisations are entitled to apply (relevant bodies). London Borough of Barking and Dagenham is described as a relevant authority.
Expressions of interest can be submitted for most services but there are exceptions.
Currently, these exceptions are:
In February each year we publish the procurement forward plan.
You can use this to find contracts that will be under review in the next 18 months.
It may help you decide the services you’d like to submit an expression of interest for in the current year.
There is a two month window each year when all expressions of interests must be received.
Expressions of interest must be received between 1 March and 30 April
This is in line with guidance and ensures that the timing fits with the council’s current procurement procedures. It allows all expressions of interest to be considered in line with the annual budget setting process.
Download our expression of interest form.
CRTC Expression of interest form (PDF, 112.37 KB)
CRTC Expression of Interest form (DOCX, 43.91 KB)
This will help you to provide all the information necessary for us to decide if you can deliver the service.
The form is split into five parts, which ask for information about your organisation and the service you have identified. It also asks for ideas on how you think the service could be delivered and the benefits for the community.
Return the completed application form to our Strategy Team.
GOV.UK provides statutory guidance on the community right to challenge. You can also find out more about giving people more power over what happens in their neighbourhood.
We will acknowledge all expressions of interest we receive. The statutory guidance then allows us 30 days from the end of the submission window (30 April) to consider the expressions of interest. In this time we will review your proposals to determine if they comply with the regulations.
If we find an issue with your proposal we will contact you to discuss the best way to have your ideas considered.
If within the 30 days of consideration we find we are able to progress your expression of interest, we will confirm how long a full evaluation will take.
At this stage we’ll explain:
You do not have to accept modifications proposed by the council. If you do accept them, we may agree more time for you to make the modifications. After this, you may still withdraw your expression of interest.
We may also agree a new date for our evaluation to give us time to make our decision.
More about how councils evaluate expressions of interest in the Community right to challenge - statutory guidance.
An expression of interest may be rejected:
When your expression of interest has been considered and the right to challenge has been upheld, we will write to you to confirm our decision and describe the next steps to be taken.
Where the council has an existing contract in place, then the expression of interest would be considered in the year that the decision to re-procure is due to take place.
If we have procured, or are to jointly procure, services with another authority we will designate a lead authority to deal with the expressions of interest.
We will undertake the procurement within existing procurement law and the council’s procurement procedures that reflect the value and complexity of the service to be procured.