Cost of living survey
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Statement of accounts and budget books
Our annual statement of accounts and budget books containing the detailed revenue and capital budgets for each of the council’s strategic functions.
Budget book 2021-22 (PDF, 3MB)
Budget book 2020-21 (PDF, 1.2MB)
Budget book 2019-20 (PDF, 541 KB)
Budget book 2018-19 (PDF, 1.02 MB)
Budget book 2017-18 (PDF, 1.99 MB)
Budget book 2015-16 (PDF, 1.12 MB)
Budget book 2014-15 (PDF, 2.64 MB)
Summary budget book 2014-15 (PDF, 1.62 MB)
Budget book 2013-14 (PDF, 4.95 MB)
Budget book 2012-13 (PDF, 2.06 MB)
Budget book 2010-11 (PDF, 2.66 MB)
Budget book 2009-10 (PDF, 5.04 MB)
We produce an annual statement of accounts for each financial year.
The statement of accounts covers:
Draft Statement of Accounts 2023-24 (PDF, 1.71 MB)
LBBD Public Inspection Notice 2023-24 (PDF, 137.81 KB)
Notice Published under Section 9A For FY2023-24 GT (PDF, 113.74 KB)
Draft Statement of Accounts 2022-23 (PDF, 2.78 MB)
LBBD Public Inspection Notice 2022-23 (PDF, 135.77 KB)
Draft Statement of Accounts 2021-22 (PDF, 2.27 MB)
LBBD Public Inspection Notice 2021-22 (PDF, 136.51 KB)
Draft statement of accounts 2020-21 (PDF, 1.96 MB)
LBBD Public Inspection Notice 2020-21 (PDF, 136.5 KB)
Audit delay notice (PDF, 63KB)
Draft statement of accounts 2019-20 (PDF, 1.3MB)
LBBD 2019-20 notice of inspection (PDF, 162KB)
Audited statement of accounts 2018-19 (PDF, 2.2MB)
Audited statement of accounts 2017-18 (PDF, 3.3MB)
LBBD annual audit letter (PDF, 191KB)
Audited statement of accounts 2016-17 (PDF, 1.43MB)
Audit of accounts for year ended 31 March 2017 - public inspection notice (PDF, 193KB)
Audited statement of accounts 2015-16 (PDF, 1.81MB)
Audit of accounts for year ended 31 March 2016 - public inspection notice (PDF, 57KB)
LBBD Annual audit letter 2015-16 (PDF, 189KB)
Audited statement of accounts 2014-15 (PDF, 1.33MB)
Annual audit letter (PDF, 87.3KB)
Statement of accounts 2013-14 (PDF, 1.17MB)
Annual audit letter 2013-14 (PDF, 456KB)
Statement of accounts 2012-13 (PDF, 2.24MB)
LBBD ISA 260 2012-13 (PDF, 244KB)
Statement of accounts 2011-12 (PDF, 902KB)
Annual audit letter 2011-12 (PDF, 23.2KB)
Statement of accounts 2010-11 (PDF, 1.23MB)
Statement of accounts 2009-10 (PDF, 2.05MB)
Statement of accounts 2008-09 (PDF, 571KB)
Statement of accounts 2007-08 (PDF, 1.18MB)
Statement of accounts 2006-07 (PDF, 1.41MB)
Statement of accounts 2005-06 (PDF, 1.36MB)
As part of the December 2015 Spending Review, the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government made an offer to councils to take up a four-year funding settlement for the period 2016/17 to 2019/20.
To accept this offer, an efficiency plan must be prepared and published by 14 October 2016. Accepting the funding offer would allow some certainty over a significant part of the council’s future resources and allow the council to create medium term financial planning targets with greater certainty over the amount required to balance the budget.
Cabinet on 19 July 2016 agreed that the council should formally accept the four-year settlement and that the council submits the April Cabinet Ambition 2020 report to DCLG as its efficiency plan.
Medium term financial strategy - update report 19 07 16 (PDF, 124 KB)
Cabinet decision to accept the four-year funding settlement
Population and demographic changes have had a severe impact on demand for services, adding to the huge financial challenge the council already faces.
Demand for services will continue to increase as the population changes but the reductions in funding imposed by central government will make it impossible to meet those demands. Without a change in approach, we would not be able to meet the most basic needs of our residents.
By 2020 the cuts in funding mean that the council will have roughly half the amount of money that we had to spend in 2010. The combined impacts of austerity, population change and government policy mean that we can no longer afford to meet the needs of our residents by spending more money on the kinds of services we currently provide.
Instead we need to re-focus what we do so that we identify the root cause of need and tackle it, so that people have a better chance of living more independently. Our job must be to build resilience so that people are better able to help themselves.
The council officially launched its A2020 transformation plan in summer 2015 designed to create a sustainable organisation that can:
A2020 efficiency plan (PDF, 1.92 MB)