Cost of living survey
Help us improve the cost of living support in Barking and Dagenham by taking part in our survey. Your feedback is invaluable in enhancing the support we offer!
The Corporate Plan outlines the actions we will take to make progress to achieving targets in the Borough Manifesto. The associated outcome measures document how we will measure and monitor our progress.
Services have developed service plans which capture how the vision, priorities and strategic objectives of the corporate plan are translated from policy to delivery and into local objectives for our services and their staff. The service plans are a key pillar in our “golden thread”, containing the detail of council activity to achieve our goals.
The Corporate Plan 2023-26 (PDF, 14.76 MB) explains how the council will achieve the vision of the Borough Manifesto. It sets out the council’s approach to its work across the borough and its plans between 2023 to 2026.
The Corporate Plan sets out the council’s key priorities:
Residents are supported during the current Cost of Living Crisis.
Residents are safe, protected, and supported at their most vulnerable.
Residents live healthier, happier, independent lives for longer.
Residents prosper from good education, skills development, and secure employment.
Residents benefit from inclusive growth and regeneration.
Residents live in, and play their part in creating, safer, cleaner, and greener neighbourhoods.
Residents live in good housing and avoid becoming homeless.
To support our Corporate Plan priorities, a set of principles have been developed to be applied to our work across the whole Council. Together, with our values and culture, these principles will drive service delivery, performance, and innovation.
Work in partnership.
Engage and facilitate co-production.
Be evidence-led and data driven.
Focus on prevention and early intervention.
Provide value for money.
Be strengths-based.
Adopt a “Health in all Policies” approach.
Strengthen risk management and compliance.
How our staff are led, managed, and engaged is key to the council delivering the priorities set out in this Corporate Plan. Our workforce needs to be clear about where we are heading and aware of the values and behaviours we expect them to uphold and demonstrate to get there.
We want every Barking and Dagenham Council employee to embody our DRIVE values in their working life every day, and in interactions with each other, with partners and with residents.
Inspiring others with our attitudes and actions.
Valuing people for who they are and what they can do.
Engaging with others to improve our resilience and flexibility.
We want to be an organisation that strives to deliver the best service and support the best outcomes for residents. In doing this, we continually foster a culture linked to the DRIVE values, focussed on three key areas:
Accountable and inclusive leaders who harness the talents and resources of all, managing the complexities, tensions and challenges.
Collaboration at the heart of everything we do.
Performing at our best.
Barking and Dagenham Corporate Plan 2023 to 2026 (PDF, 14.76 MB)
Equality Impact Assessment (PDF, 235.44 KB)
Clearly stating the council’s aims and how we intend to achieve them is important for local accountability, and by including outcomes measures we can evidence performance, progress, and impact.
Twice a year, Cabinet, who is responsible for implementing the Corporate Plan, will receive a report appraising performance and progress to outcomes in relation to its priorities.