About Beam ward


Infographic of the stats on this page

Did you know that Beam has:

  • 8,620 residents - 3rd lowest in the borough
  • 2,310 under 16s - 6th highest proportion in the borough
  • 5,498 16s to 64s - 3rd lowest proportion in the borough
  • 812 65 and over - 9th highest proportion in the borough
  • 34 average age - same as the borough average 
  • 61.2% deprived households – lower than the borough average (62.4%)
  • 45.7 average attainment 8 score per pupil (GCSE) –lower than the borough average (47.2)
  • 23.6% adults with no qualifications- higher than the borough average (22.7%)
  • 21.1% open space - lower than the borough average (26.6%)
  • 68.6 births per 1,000 women of childbearing age - higher than the borough average (66.7)
  • 95.9 crimes per 1,000 people - higher than the borough average (90.4)
  • 18.1 domestic abuse offences per 1,000 people - higher than the borough average (14.9)
  • £365,000 median house price (all types) - lower than the borough average (£370,000) 
  • 9.7% unemployment related benefits claimants - higher than the borough average (8.0%) 
  • £44,235 median household income - higher than the borough average (£43,614)
  • 12.1% Universal Credit claimants in employment - higher than the borough average (10.1%)
  • 69.7% Black, Asian and Multi-Ethnic population - higher than the borough average (69.1%)
  • 34.0% obesity amongst children in Year 6 - higher than the borough average (29.3%)
  • 6.3% NEET and Not Known - highest in the borough 

Infographic - Beam - did you know? (PDF, 151.31 KB)