Developing Your Marketing Strategy and Plan (Online session)

Image depicting online marketing

A good strategy provides a clear roadmap, consisting of a set of guiding principles or rules, that defines the actions people in the business should take (and not take) and the things they should prioritise (and not prioritise) to achieve desired goals. Without a researched and well thought through marketing strategy and plan, your marketing efforts could be haphazard and ineffectual.

In this session, we’ll find out how to get a detailed understanding of the market you are doing business in, and how to use that knowledge to inform your business decisions and actions.

You will discover :

•    Your organisation’s strengths and weaknesses;

•    Potential opportunities available to you, and threats you could face;

•    Your top competitors and your ideal clients;

•    You will have set at least one goal.

How to book

You can book your Free online session on Eventbrite

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