#IamRemarkable workshop by Barking Enterprise Centres


Online event.

#IamRemarkable is a Google initiative empowering women and underrepresented groups to celebrate their achievements in the workplace and beyond.

Many organisations are investing in programs to advance diversity. However, women and other social, racial and ethnic minorities in executive roles are still significantly underrepresented.

One of the big hurdles’ women face when tackling this gap is practicing self-promotion - or vocally expressing their achievements in a working environment. We believe this issue is also true for underrepresented groups. And it needs addressing. Because the benefits of self-promotion - including taking control of how you’re perceived by others and making them understand the unique contribution you can make - are vast.

This workshop is not intended to undo centuries of bias and discrimination but rather the Barking Enterprise Centres (BEC) wants to focus on one small, but important, action that each of us can take (and model for others). Change is rarely accomplished in one sweep but rather in small, consistent choices we make daily.

The goal of this workshop is not only to teach the skills of self-promotion but also to create a safe space for women in underrepresented groups to celebrate their achievements in the workplace and beyond.

Workshop outline

The aim for this monthly workshop at BEC is to empower women and underrepresented groups to overcome cultural, social and gender related issues by giving them the tools to sharpen their self- promotion skills.

Change social norms amongst women, address our own biases against underrepresented groups and women who vocally express their achievements. Identify the challenges around “bragging”. Increase levels of confidence and self- worth for everyone attending. Identify and utilise power sources for effective self-promotion. Uncover and utilise the potential of group sharing. Practice vocally expressing achievements. Create a safe space where everyone feels comfortable sharing


Full details and booking on Eventbrite


United Kingdom