• Current Child or young person's details
  • Information about people who support your child
  • Family details
  • Complete
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Child or young person's details


Your child's needs

Tell us if your child has either of the following - select all that apply

We need details of your child’s additional needs so we are able to register your child under the right category or categories

Does your child have emotional and behaviour difficulties, including ADHD?
Does your child have a hearing impairment?
Does your child have moderate learning difficulties?
Does your child have physical difficulties?
Does your child have a visual impairment?
Does your child have a life-limiting or life-threatening illness?
Does your child have Down's syndrome?
Does your child have profound and multiple learning difficulties?
Does your child have speech, language and communication needs?
Does your child have a severe learning disability?
Does your child have a specific learning disability?
Does your child have a global developmental delay?
Does your child have any other needs not already listed above?
Has your child received medical diagnoses for their additional needs?
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