• Current Eligibility
  • Your details
  • Employer details
  • Payment details
  • Upload documents
  • Declaration
  • Complete


Parents or guardians of children who have been advised to self-isolate by their education setting (even where they have not been told to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace) can also apply for the Test and Trace Support Payment scheme if they are on a low income, unable to work from home and need to take time off work to care for a child who is self-isolating.
You must provide a letter from the school confirming your child needs to isolate with this application. 
Has your child been asked to self isolate by their education setting or the NHS app?
Have they been asked to isolate by Test and Trace?
Is your child?
Are you furloughed?
Do you?

Sorry you're ineligible for Test and Trace Support Payment

If you're struggling with managing your finances please visit our money and debt support pages

You must meet the above criteria to be eligble for Test and Trace Support Payment. If you're struggling with managing your finances please visit our money and debt support pages.