Cost of living survey
Help us improve the cost of living support in Barking and Dagenham by taking part in our survey. Your feedback is invaluable in enhancing the support we offer!
if you are homeless please speak to us. Get in contact on 020 8724 8323, Monday to Friday 9am-5pm, or email us on Alternatively, if you need to get in contact with us outside of regular hours, please contact 020 8215 3000. You can also find out what options are available to you in your current circumstance by completing the Housing Option Finder tool.
Shelter are the UK’s homeless and housing charity and offer a wide range of help and advice.
No Second Night Out aim to help those who are rough sleeping in London for the first time find an alternative.
Barking and Dagenham Citizens Advice Bureau offer legal advice to those facing becoming homeless.
Streetlink will help those already sleeping rough, so you can tell them if you are worried about someone.
Depaul UK Alone in London provides advice and support to 16 to 25 year olds who are at risk of homelessness.