Cost of living survey
Help us improve the cost of living support in Barking and Dagenham by taking part in our survey. Your feedback is invaluable in enhancing the support we offer!
Welcome to our Inclusive Growth webpage where we tell you all about Inclusive Growth and how it will help to improve the borough and the lives of residents (including our most vulnerable).
The council has big plans to make sure that economic growth in our borough benefits every resident and every neighbourhood: from new homes, a cleaner greener borough, new industries and jobs , cycle lanes and everything in between.
Our vision is to harness the power of the council to intervene in the local economy and create growth that is inclusive. This is because it supports our residents socially and financially and improves our environment by reducing pollution and carbon emissions.
Inclusive Growth aims to remove social and economic barriers to ensure that all residents benefit from growth in the borough. Poverty, homelessness and housing issues, the environment and unemployment are barriers which have a negative impact on residents and families.
This strategy aims to have a positive impact on all communities. By creating stronger employment and skills pathways into good jobs, we can improve the lives of households who are impacted by poverty and unemployment.
Better transport links and cultural heritage sites will attract more tourism and boost the local economy. New homes will have a positive impact on homeless and overcrowded households and help to manage the ongoing demand for local housing options.
Our net zero carbon ambitions will help us to produce less carbon emissions so that residents can have: cleaner air, more green spaces/trees and more active travel (walking and cycle routes) which will offer health benefits to all residents.
Our partnerships will create new areas for growth including the film and food industry which will create a firm foundation for economic development that will benefit current and future generations for decades to come.
We would love to hear your views and opinions about our draft Strategy (our themes and priorities for Inclusive Growth)