A market trader has been fined £120 and ordered to pay £1,000 costs for selling fake Chanel products in Dagenham Sunday market.
Lauren Selby, 28, from Billericay Essex, was caught selling items bearing the “Chanel” trademark by Council Enforcement Officers on 5 November 2017.
The counterfeit products included Chanel branded potties and other accessories. Trade mark representatives verified that the items were counterfeit. Miss Selby also ran an online business as well as operating the market stall. On Friday 18 January 2019, Miss Selby pleaded guilty at Barkingside Magistrates Court. She was ordered to pay a £120 fine and also £1,000 costs to the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham.
“These products were definitely more Counterfeit Chanel than Coco Chanel"
Councillor Margaret Mullane, Cabinet Member for Enforcement and Community Safety, said: “These products were definitely more Counterfeit Chanel than Coco Chanel. This case clearly shows that anyone thinking of selling fake goods to make quick money in our borough, should think again.
“Selling low quality counterfeit goods takes money away from our legitimate traders, can create health and safety risks and misleads consumers. We will continue to work hard to take counterfeit and unsafe goods off our streets.”
Report it
Residents can confidentially report concerns about businesses that may be selling counterfeit goods, or email the Trading Standards Team at tradingstandards@lbbd.gov.uk