Two landlords of a property in Dagenham have been ordered to pay costs and fines totalling £61,057.05 after they were prosecuted for multiple housing offences.
Mr John Renvoize and Mr Dedar Shah owners of a seven bed property located at 2 Third Avenue, Dagenham were ordered to pay the fines following a court case at (Romford Magistrate Court) on Friday 19 March.
Following an inspection of the property in January 2018, Mr Renvoize (alone) was served with an Improvement Notice after officers identified multiple category 1 and category 2 hazards. These included fire and electrical safety issues, position and condition of cookers in the kitchen and the potential of structural damage, due to a loose wall at the front of the property – which he ignored.
Inspectors were also concerned by the unsecured back door, which could invite intruders as well as domestic hygiene issues and pests.
As this was ignored, Mr Renvoize was issued with a fine of £23,400.
Following this, both Mr Renvoize and Mr Shah were summoned to court and were found guilty of:
• Breaching Housing Management regulations, which resulted in fines of £3,500 and £500
• failing to comply with an Improvement Notice – fines of £5,000 and £2,000
• failing to licence a House in Multiple Occupation – fines equalled £6,800 and £2,800
Councillor Margaret Mullane, Cabinet Member for Enforcement and Community Safety said: “To be a landlord and provide housing for other people is something that you should take pride in and want to make sure that the tenants live in good conditions.
“These two landlords have failed to do so, and have actually put their tenants in danger and now have to pay a huge amount of money in fines.
“I would like this to send a warning to other landlords, if you’re not following the rules, we will find you and take action.”
During the trial, the judge also imposed a three-year Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) on Mr Renvoize, only the second to be imposed on a rogue landlord in London.
Mr Renvoize must notify the council within 28 days from when the CBO was issued (19 March), of any residential properties he owns within the borough.
In total, the two landlords must pay a total of £61,057.05 in fines, costs and victim surcharge.
If residents would like to make a complaint about their landlord, they can contact the council on or 020 8724 8898.
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