Cigarettes seized

Trading Standards crack down on illicit tobacco in Barking and Dagenham

In a determined effort to combat the sale of illegal tobacco, Barking and Dagenham Council’s Trading Standards team have conducted a series of intelligence-led test purchase operations.

Taking place on Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 September, the operation targeted premises across Barking and Dagenham, uncovering several businesses selling illicit tobacco.

Illegal cigarettes are often found hidden in compartments under floors, behind false walls, and above ceilings, often using advanced technology like hydraulics and magnetic release mechanisms.

Unregulated tobacco often contains harmful ingredients and sometimes substances such as hazardous as rat droppings.

The financial gains from selling illegal tobacco typically fund organised crime, money laundering, and human trafficking, contributing to broader criminal activities and antisocial behaviour within our communities.

To tackle this, the council’s Trading Standards team collaborates closely with the police and HMRC, aiming to disrupt the supply of illegal tobacco and hold offenders accountable.

During the recent operation, 42 premises were tested, and 10 were found to be selling illicit tobacco. These premises will undergo further inspections with the aid of specialist tobacco detection dogs.

Any establishment found in possession of illegal tobacco or vapes will face enforcement action, including a review of their premises licence and potential prosecution.

Councillor Syed Ghani, Cabinet Member for Enforcement and Community Safety said: The sale of illicit tobacco is not a victimless crime. It poses a severe threat to public health and fuels organised crime.

“Our recent operations demonstrate our commitment to protecting our communities and ensuring that businesses operate within the law. We will continue to work tirelessly with our partners to eradicate the selling of illegal tobacco.”

If residents are aware of business selling illegal products, they can report them to the council by emailing