A landlord of a property in Dagenham, has been fined over £2,300 for not providing essential safety documents to Barking and Dagenham Council’s Private Sector Housing Team.
The council received a complaint regarding disrepair at the privately rented property on Bushway Dagenham and owned by a Mr Fola Monsuru Arogundade.
In February 2024, an Investigating Officer served a notice on Mr. Arogundade under section 235 of the Housing Act 2004, requiring him to provide copies of basic safety certificates for gas, electrical, and fire safety within 28 days.
Despite numerous reminders and warnings, Mr. Arogundade failed to supply these certificates and was summoned to court.
The case took place, earlier this month, on Tuesday 4 February at Barkingside Magistrates Court where he was found guilty, determining that he did not have a reasonable excuse for not providing the documents.
Mr Arogundade was ordered to pay a £750 fine, £1,270 in costs to Barking and Dagenham Council, and a £300 victim surcharge, totalling £2,320.
Councillor Syed Ghani, Cabinet Member for Enforcement and Community Safety said: "We want to remind all landlords that it is important for them to keep in communication with us and to provide documentation when we ask for it.
“Keeping safety certificates and documentation is a vital part of renting out a property. As this case demonstrates, failure to comply could result in significant financial penalties."
For more information on expected standards in private rented properties, landlords should visit the council website at www.lbbd.gov.uk/private-sector-housing/housing-standards.