Safer Neighbourhood Board

Safer Neighbourhood Board: Police announce decreases in crime across Barking and Dagenham

Last week, the Safer Neighbourhood Board for Barking and Dagenham held their annual open meeting for residents.

Taking place at Dagenham and Redbridge Football Club, residents heard from a range of people including the Police and local community groups who are doing great work to get young people into positive activities. 

During an update from the Police, Superintendent David Rhodes revealed the below stats for the last 12 months.

  • Burglary – down 15.7%
  • Robbery – down 13.2%
  • Theft of motor vehicle – down 4.8%
  • Theft from motor vehicle - down 17.8%
  • Violence with injury – down 20.7%
  • Knife enabled crime – down 12.3%
  • Total incidents attended – down 7%

Councillor Syed Ghani, Cabinet Member for Enforcement and Community Safety said: “It was great to see so many residents attend last week’s Safer Neighbourhood Board and take an avid interest in the borough. 

The council has a fantastic working relationship with the police, and it was really important for residents to see the results of the joint work from over the last 12 months.”

Superintendent David Rhodes said: “This was an important evening to allow us to open ourselves up to scrutiny from the public and talk through what we have managed to achieve this year as well as some of the challenges that we face. 

We got to hear from so many community groups and the work they are doing to make the borough safer. I am proud what we have achieved as a partnership which has contributed to less crime across Barking and Dagenham.”

Other speakers from the event included:

  1. Keith Hutton on Stop on Search
  2. Community groups including JDS, Barking Sports 4 Change, Lifeline, Ben Kinsella Trust and England Boxing
  3. Diane Worby, Neighbourhood Watch
  4. Chief Inspector Mo Mahmood on Ward Panel Meetings
  5. Christina Freeman on LGBTQ+ engagement 

Residents were also encouraged to join the council’s Women’s Safety Forum by emailing The next online event is taking place on Tuesday 25 March. 

If residents want to find out more about the Safer Neighbourhood Board, they should head to the council’s website: