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Barking and Dagenham’s Eastbury Manor House will reopen its doors from Wednesday 5 April following its closure over the Winter for repairs and maintenance.
In Barking and Dagenham all private landlords must have a licence issued by the council to rent their properties to tenants and if they don’t, they could face a huge fine as one Dagenham landlord recently found out.
As part of Barking and Dagenham Council’s annual Women’s Empowerment Month, the council has signed the Menopause Workplace Pledge, committing to recognise the impact of the menopause and actively supporting female staff who are affected.
420 young people from nine secondary schools across Barking and Dagenham have attended a free performance of BLKDOG at the Broadway Theatre, in Barking, before the cast flies off to Belgium and Singapore on tour.
Yesterday (23 March), Barking and Dagenham Council launched a Good Food Partnership with the local community to create a plan for access to healthier, fresh food that is affordable and provide more skills, resources and land for food growing.