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A landlord has appeared in court after illegally converting her family home into separate flats – several years after being found guilty of the same offence.
“Black History Month is not just about recognising the past, it’s about shaping the present and building a better future. It's a month dedicated to celebrating, and I couldn't be more excited to see us all come together to learn, share, and grow this month.”
The Neighbourhood Fund (NCIL) is an exciting £150,000 funding opportunity for residents and local groups to make a real difference in their local areas. The funding is open to community groups, charities and social enterprises in Barking and Dagenham to bid for grants of up to £10,000.
A Chadwell Heath resident who ignored warning letters from Barking and Dagenham Council enforcement officers to clean up their garden has been found guilty in court.
The selling of illicit tobacco and vapes is dangerous and last week, during a planned operation codenamed Operation CeCe, Trading Standards Officers from Barking and Dagenham Council took thousands of these illegal products off the streets.
The ground-breaking social housing scheme A House for Artists in Barking Town Centre is in the running for the prestigious RIBA Stirling Prize – the highest accolade in UK architecture.
A landlord who continued to adapt their property illegally despite warnings from the council has been found guilty of ignoring an Enforcement Notice from Barking and Dagenham Council to reduce the size of an outbuilding he had constructed.