
Safer Barking and Dagenham
East London council steps up action to ensure borough is safe for all

Barking and Dagenham Council know that one of the key priorities for its residents is living in a borough that they feel safe in and has low levels of crime, and in the last year the council has implemented several initiatives to ensure this is the case.

In early 2021, the council asked residents to let them know of areas that they feel are not safe in the borough as well what they feel needs to be done to make sure Barking and Dagenham continues to be a safe place to live and work.

3 March 2022
People sitting on a bench in front of a tree
River Roding has a cleaner, greener leafy look thanks to local eco-volunteers

Local eco-heroes spent this afternoon (Wednesday, 2 March) planting trees as part of an ambitious £20,000 re-greening and rejuvenation project along the River Roding in Barking, funded by council partner Clear Channel.


Volunteers from the River Roding Trust were joined by the Deputy Leader of the council, Councillor Saima Ashraf, and representatives from Out of Home media and infrastructure company, Clear Channel, to help give the saplings new homes.


3 March 2022
Councillor Saima Ashraf
Senior east London councillor delivers impassioned speech on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Community Leadership and Engagement at Barking and Dagenham Council, Cllr Saima Ashraf used the first in person gathering of council members to make an impassioned plea for peace in Ukraine and all over the world.  

You can kill, and you can destroy buildings, but the people of Ukraine will live on – as they always have.

Speaking at Barking and Dagenham Council’s first in-person assembly meeting last night, (Wednesday 2 March), Cllr Saima Ashraf delivered this impassioned speech, saying:

3 March 2022
children in class looking at teacher
Barking and Dagenham top in London for awarding young people preferred secondary school

Over three quarters of young people in Barking and Dagenham will attend their first preference secondary school from September this year.


Figures show that out of 3,364 applications, 2,748 (81.69 per cent) of 10 and 11-year-olds have been offered their first preference, far exceeding the capital’s average of 69.95 per cent, and outperforming every other London borough.

“It’s always pleasing to bring happiness to young people and their parents, as they prepare for the next exciting step in their education."  

2 March 2022
Forest of thanks planting session
Largest Miyawaki forest in Europe planted by volunteers at borough’s ‘Forest of Thanks’ for NHS and keyworkers

Over the course of two days (19 and 26 February), volunteers planted trees at Barking and Dagenham’s ‘Forest of Thanks’, to recognise the incredible work local NHS staff and keyworkers have done and continue to do during the pandemic.


The council partnered with The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) who work across the UK to create healthier and happier communities, SUGi Projects, an international organisation specialising in urban rewilding and the Natwest Group who kindly donated all the trees for planting. 


28 February 2022
Council commits to multi-million-pound investment boost
Council commits to multi-million-pound investment boost

Reducing air pollution, clamping down on anti-social behaviour, and tackling youth violence are just some of the areas in line to receive a cash boost, as part of plans agreed by Barking and Dagenham Council.

In total more than £1.7million is to be injected into schemes across the council.

One initiative will see £225,000 to be used to extend work on delivering the council’s air quality action plan, which aims to clean up the borough’s air by tackling air pollution, as well as creating new roles to handle environmental complaints such as noise nuisance and eyesore gardens.

25 February 2022
Mayor receiving a cheque for charity
Mayor of Barking and Dagenham receives £1,000 from local mosque for charity fund

On Wednesday 22 February, Her Worshipful the Mayor, Cllr Edna Fergus, was presented with a cheque of £1,000 for her nominated charities from Al-Madina Mosque in Barking, at the opening of a brand-new sensory service.

The Sensory Hive is a community-based service that has been inspired by occupational therapy, wellbeing and educational concepts and opened at Al-Madina Mosque.

25 February 2022
Council CCTV camera catches rubbish dumper at fly-tipping hotspot

A man from Kent has been fined over £800 after he was caught dumping rubbish in a fly-tipping hot spot in Dagenham.

A CCTV camera placed by Barking and Dagenham Council on Gale Street, Dagenham caught the driver of a Mercedes-Benz and their passenger dumping rubbish into domestic waste bins without authorisation on 25 March 2021.

The camera clearly identified the number plate of the car and after a quick search on the DVLA database, an officer was able to see that the vehicle belonged to a Mr Eseoghene Odogun of New Romney, Kent.

24 February 2022