
Interfaith Week logo
Celebrating faith in Barking and Dagenham

Barking and Dagenham is celebrating Interfaith week this week which runs from 8 to 15 November. 

This is a national event designed to focus on interfaith understanding and cooperation, strengthen good interfaith relations, increases awareness of the different and distinct faith communities and increases understanding between people of religious and non-religious beliefs.

11 November 2020
Residents invited to join Q&A session with Barking and Dagenham Council and the police

Burglaries tend to increase around Christmas time and to help residents stay safe during the festive period, Barking and Dagenham Council and the police are holding an online Q&A session with residents.

The session, which will take place on Tuesday 10 November at 5pm, will see the police give tips on what residents can do to reduce the likelihood of them becoming a victim to burglary and there will also be an update from the Burglary and Robbery Investigation Team on the latest activities in the borough.

6 November 2020
Valence house volunteers together in a group
Valence House volunteers win British Museum Award

Local volunteers providing a service to local residents have been rewarded for their hard work and dedication after scooping the Volunteers for Learning award at an online ceremony which took place yesterday, Wednesday 5 November.

The British Museum and the Marsh Christian Trust announced the winners of the volunteer awards which celebrated the work and achievements of museum volunteers across the UK for last year.

5 November 2020
Apprenticeship opportunities in construction for local residents

Residents of Barking and Dagenham aged 16 plus and above are being invited to apply for apprenticeship roles in the construction industry, working on building sites across the borough.

The council’s Construction Job Shop will be working closely with Be First and Joe Brennan Training (JBT) to recruit several trade apprentices on various sites across the borough.

4 November 2020
Movies will be Made in Dagenham

Barking and Dagenham Council today (3 November) signed an agreement with global media real estate leader Hackman Capital Partners (HCP) to build London’s largest film and TV production centre in Dagenham.

Eastbrook Studios London will be the capital’s largest studio campus. The project comes with planning permission, and HCP’s ambitious plans include up to 12 sound stages, three acres of backlot, offices and ancillary space, totalling over half a million square feet.

3 November 2020
Enforcement officers
Over half of businesses not compliant to Covid regulations in Barking and Dagenham

Despite the best efforts of the council, around 55% of businesses in Barking and Dagenham are still not following all of the rules put in place by the government to stop the spread of coronavirus.

In the last two weeks, council enforcement officers visited 270 businesses where concerns have been raised about Covid related issues and have also handed out 10 Fixed Penalty Notices of £1000 each to those found to have continued to flout the rules.

3 November 2020
Get applying for funding to deliver an equalities and diversity event
Get applying for funding to deliver an equalities and diversity event

Looking for financial help for an event or project to celebrate and promote equality, social inclusion and diversity in the borough?

Starting from today, the council may be able to help – residents who are part of a local charity or community group can apply for funding from the Equality and Diversity Community Fund to help deliver them.

This funding is a fantastic way for residents to bring their local community closer, to celebrate the things they’re most passionate about, and to help educate their local community about equalities events and issues.

29 October 2020
Support on offer for small businesses through the Peer Networks initiative

Up to 24 local business who want to grow and develop their business are being invited to apply to take part in a national peer-to-peer networking programme.

Thanks to funding from the GLA, the programme is open to businesses from across Barking and Dagenham and will include interactive learning and support with finance, HR, sales, marketing and much more.

29 October 2020