
Essential workers' thank you note
Local youngster gets artistic with thanks to council workers

A 7 year old resident has been making good use of her time away from school by using her talents to create a colourful artwork to thank the borough’s essential workers – her local bin collectors.

Clara Baxter from Dagenham, a Year 2 pupil at Thomas Arnold Primary School, did a painting in honour of her borough’s refuse collectors, thanking them and reminding them to stay safe.

Clara said she decided to create the painting “to say thank you and to make people happy.”

8 April 2020
Council Deputy Leader thanks hundreds of volunteers helping the vulnerable

Hundreds of selfless volunteers who have been helping the borough’s most vulnerable residents during the coronavirus crisis have been appreciated for their efforts by Cllr Saima Ashraf, the council’s Deputy Leader.

In a letter to the nearly 300 volunteers, Cllr Ashraf who is also the Cabinet Member for Community Leadership and Engagement, wrote to thank them for their support with BD-CAN. She said:

7 April 2020
Mayesbrook park
Council ramps up patrols in its parks to ensure people obey the rules

Residents of Barking and Dagenham, in particular those using the borough’s parks and open spaces are being reminded to pay attention to and practise the social distancing rules if they want to continue using them.

The council is increasing patrols in its parks following a weekend which saw over 150 moved on from the parks for ignoring the rules, despite signs being put up and play areas taped off.

7 April 2020
shut down
East London Council continues to close shops not playing by the rules

A joint operation between Barking and Dagenham Council enforcement officers and the police, last Thursday, saw them close down four shops that have remained open during the coronavirus outbreak despite government guidance which asked them to close. 

Despite certain shops being given clear guidance from the government to temporarily close if they’re not an essential, these shops remained open. 

These shops included two in Barking - a hairdressers and a phone shop. 

6 April 2020
scam alert
Watch out for coronavirus scammers

During these unsettling times there are some people who, unfortunately, may try and make a quick profit out of the vulnerable.  

Council trading standards officers have become aware of a number of coronavirus related scams that are currently taking place across the country and things that residents, especially the vulnerable need to look out for.  

While you’re keeping yourself busy at home make sure you keep a watch out for the following scams:  

1 April 2020
Creative Writing - Pen to Print
Write On! Extra: Sharing stories of experience, strength and hope by and for real people in this time of crisis

During this Covid-19 crisis, it has never been more important to have a safe space to share stories. Write On! the quarterly print magazine and online forum is published by Pen to Print, a project born in Barking and Dagenham. Funded by the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham and the Arts Council, Pen to Print links local writing communities into the publishing industry by showcasing the work of emerging writers. 


30 March 2020
NHS Parking
Free parking for key workers and frontline staff

Emergency staff and frontline workers helping vulnerable people can now apply to park for free in council-owned car parks and parking bays across Barking and Dagenham during the coronavirus pandemic.

The council is making key worker permits applications available from today, in a move to help these important staff continue providing vital services to the local community. Residents will also be able to park for 5 mins in CPZ zones without a permit, so they can drop off essential items outside loved ones’ doors, while socially distancing.

27 March 2020
Shut Down
East end council closes down businesses operating illegally during coronavirus outbreak

Enforcement officers from Barking and Dagenham Council have been out in force shutting down a number of businesses operating illegally in the borough despite government guidance asking them to close during the coronavirus lockdown.  

During a planned operation, enforcement officers identified and shut down nine businesses operating when they should have been temporarily closed down.  

The businesses ranged from vape shops, beauty suppliers and hand car washes to scrap metal yards.  

27 March 2020
Hamza Sharif at work
Local youngster secures qualification and job from Job Shop

Local resident, Hamza Sharif is now a qualified plumber and in full employment following contact with the council’s Job Shop.

Hamza had always wanted to be a plumber and first approached the Job Shop aged 15, but as he was too young, he was signposted to the Technical Skills Academy where he completed a Level 1 in Plumbing. 

25 March 2020
See a business open that shouldn’t be? Report it!

Barking and Dagenham Council is asking for your help to prevent the spread of the deadly coronavirus.   

Following the latest guidance from the government, a number of businesses should now be closed for the foreseeable future to make sure we’re doing everything possible to stop this virus spreading.  

25 March 2020