
More jobs on offer for local people from the council’s job shops

Despite the lockdown, residents of Barking and Dagenham can still apply for a range of jobs including care work, nursery officers, apprenticeships and graduate entry positions with the police and other roles.

Residents will be pleased to know that they can now access all the jobs available from the job shops on the council’s website.

Although not open to the public as there are no face-to-face appointments, the service is still supporting local people via email, telephone or Skype.

7 July 2020
Local youngsters offered a railway engineering traineeship opportunity

Young people aged 19 to 23 years old, living in Barking and Dagenham are being offered the opportunity to apply for a Railway Engineering Traineeship.

The seven-week programme will require trainees to attend for three days a week from 10am to 3pm. Applicants must be in receipt of out of work benefits such as Universal Credit, Job Seeker’s Allowance, Income Support and Employment Support Allowance.

7 July 2020
Residents warned to beware of Snapchat scammers

Does your child use Snapchat? If so, Barking and Dagenham Council are encouraging parents to make sure they make their children aware of a new Snapchat scam.

The new scam has seen criminals taking over people’s Snapchat accounts and extorting money by threatening to reveal private photos. Fraudsters often contact the victim through an already hacked account so it appears that the user knows the person and then they will use different stories to try and influence them.

3 July 2020
Fly tipper and litterer caught red handed by council officers

Cross service working at Barking and Dagenham Council, has seen noise nuisance officers catch and fine residents for fly tipping and littering in the borough. 

While out attending a noise complaint about a party on Park Avenue, Barking in the early hours of Saturday morning (27 June), officers became suspicious of a male and two females carrying black bags while heading towards a fly tipping hotspot at Faircross Avenue in Barking.  

1 July 2020
Council calls on residents to shape a citizens’ network

Barking and Dagenham has a proud tradition of community spirit and civic activism, which has been mobilised rapidly in response to Covid-19. At the core of that support offer is BD CAN, a community network which involves a partnership between the social sector and the council to coordinate practical assistance to residents who need help.

Since lockdown began, it has provided practical support to over 1700 people through nine hubs across the borough run by local community organisations and supported by 400 volunteers who signed up to help.

30 June 2020
Fly tipping
Dumped! Caught! Fined!

Two fly tippers from Dagenham have been caught by council enforcement officers and fined £400 for the offence.

Following numerous complaints from residents about rubbish being dumped in the alleyway from Oval Road South, Dagenham to the Mill House Social Club carpark, an investigation was set up by street enforcement and street cleansing officers to catch the perpetrators.

26 June 2020
No spitting
Council and police take zero tolerance to spitting

A man who assaulted council officers and the police has pleaded guilty to assault and was given a six weeks prison sentence suspended for 12 months.

Ryan Smith was seen drinking alcohol in London Road car park, Barking last Thursday. After being advised to stop and dispose of his alcohol as it was a public car park, Mr Smith got aggressive, swearing and ultimately spitting at the officers.

26 June 2020
Green Garden Waste popularity soars this summer
Council’s Green Garden Waste service tops over 1,100 new subscribers

Barking and Dagenham Council has seen over 1,100 people take advantage of the good weather during lockdown to sign up for the Green Garden Waste service.

The council service now has over 6,560 subscribers as green-fingered residents enjoy improving their gardens and take advantage of this environmentally friendly way to dispose of garden waste such as flowers and grass cuttings, weeds, leaves, and hedge trimmings. 

25 June 2020