The borough’s CIL

The council’s CIL came into effect on 3 April 2015 and details can be found in the Charging Schedule and accompanying Charging Zone map.

LBBD CIL Charging Schedule October 2014 (PDF, 242.47KB)

LBBD Charging Schedule Charging Zones (PDF, 465.54KB)

Annual CIL Rate Summary 2021 (PDF, 117KB)

Annual CIL Rate Summary 2024 (PDF, 125.09 KB)

Annual CIL Rate Summary 2025 (PDF, 125.02 KB)

Contains the rates for CIL liable development across the borough from 1 January 2020 until 31 December 2020.

CIL policies

In addition to approving the Charging Schedule the council has published:

CIL Instalment Policy January 2018 (PDF, 122.19KB)

LBBD Payment In Kind Policy 3 April 2015 (PDF, 55.65KB)

LBBD Regulation 123 List 2014 Final (PDF, 308.77KB)
This is now superseded by changes to the CIL amendment Regulations in 2019.

Background to the CIL charge

Following consultation between 15 March and 26 April 2013, the CIL Draft Charging Schedule was formally submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for independent examination on 25 February 2014. Jill Kingaby BSc (Econ) MSc MRTPI was appointed as the Inspector for the Examination.

The CIL Charging Schedule was recommend for approval by the Planning Inspectorate:

CIL Examiner's Report (PDF, 174.6KB)

Both the CIL Charging Schedule and the CIL Examiner’s Report are available for inspection, contact if you would like to view these.