Cost of living survey
Help us improve the cost of living support in Barking and Dagenham by taking part in our survey. Your feedback is invaluable in enhancing the support we offer!
We have advice notes to give an idea on the developments we want to encourage in the area. These will be useful for planners, developers, architects, facility managers.
We have prepared a series of planning advice notes to give you an idea of what developments we want to encourage in the borough.
The notes provide useful guidance for:
Although you do not have to follow the advice in the planning advice notes to get planning permission, we will consider whether you have followed the advice when we are deciding planning applications.
Where appropriate your development proposals should show how you have followed advice from the planning advice notes.
PAN1 - Green roofs (PDF, 723KB)
PAN2 - Local Labour (PDF, 1.05MB)
PAN3 - Waste and Recycling Provisions (PDF, 1.4B)
PAN4 - Religious Meeting Places (PDF, 818KB)
PAN5 - Sustainable Design and Construction (PDF, 1.19MB)
PAN5 - Sustainable Design and Construction - Summary (PDF, 1.02MB)
PAN6 - Crime Prevention (PDF, 1.28MB)
PAN7 - Dagenham Heathway Shopfront Style Guidance (PDF, 1MB)
PAN9 - Manor Road (PDF, 245KB)