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View our supplementary planning documents for guidance.
London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Council would like your views on the draft Chadwell Heath Transformation Area Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). This SPD provides more detailed supplementary guidance to developers, the local community and other interested stakeholders on how we envisage development in the Chadwell Heath Transformation Area coming forward over the new Local Plan period and beyond. The draft SPD and related documents are available to view below.
Barking and Dagenham Council has ambitious plans for growth, including the creation of 44,000 homes and 20,000 jobs which will be delivered through its new draft Local Plan. Preparation of this supplementary planning document has been led by Be First on behalf of the council and has been launched to provide further guidance for developers bringing forward development in the Chadwell Heath Transformation Area (as set out in the emerging Local Plan 2037) to ensure that future development of the area is delivered to meet local needs, including new housing, renewed industrial floorspace and supporting infrastructure.
Once adopted, the Supplementary Planning Document will be pivotal in helping to shape development in the area. It provides more in-depth guidance on policies set out in a Local Plan to help guide developers, planning officers and local stakeholders such as business owners and residents and will be a material consideration in planning decisions. That is why we would like to hear from you.
The consultation period has been extended for 2 weeks and will now run for 8 weeks, commencing on Monday 3 October 2022 and concluding at 23:59 on Monday 28 November 2022.
The Consultation Statement and SEA Screening for this document are also available below:
Consultation Statement (PDF, 145KB)
SEA Screening (PDF, 268KB)
To view the draft SPD document and comment online, please visit the One Borough Voice websie.
You can also submit your comments to us by emailing or contacting us via letter at the address below:
Be First Regeneration Ltd
5th Floor, MAKE IT Barking
15 Linton Road
IG11 8HE
We are conducting this consultation virtually; however if you need help in accessing a copy of this document, please email
Supporting documentation
Regulation 19 (2) Draft Local Plan
LBBD Infrastructure Delivery Plan
Barking and Dagenham sits within the Thames Estuary, the UK’s number one growth opportunity. Barking and Dagenham Council has ambitious plans for growth, including the creation of thousands of new homes and jobs, as set out in the draft Local Plan 2037.
Be First, on behalf of Council, have prepared the draft Thames Road Vision and Design Code Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to provide a comprehensive vision for Thames Road, to drive the transformation of Thames Road. The draft SPD provides planning guidance on how we want to see development and growth take place. We want to hear your feedback and suggestions on the draft SPD!
Once adopted by the Council, the SPD will shape development in the area and will be a material consideration in planning decisions.
We are also seeking feedback on the draft Thames Road Phased Parking Proposals document. This document sets out the proposed phased implementation of changes to the parking layout along Thames Road as it develops.
If you require any assistance to understand the material, please contact us and we can arrange for support.
The period of consultation on the draft documents is from 8 August 2024 to 11:59pm on 30 September 2024.
You can submit your comments to us on online on One Borough Voice or by emailing
You can also submit a response by post to:
Planning Policy
Be First
Make It Barking
15 Linton Road
IG11 8HE
London Borough of Barking and Dagenham draft Local Plan 2037 (Regulation 19 draft)
LBBD Industrial Land Strategy (Porter PE, 2020) (PDF, 7.7MB)
On 18 September 2024, the Council adopted the Planning Obligations SPD alongside the new LBBD Local Plan 2037. The SPD provides detailed and up to date guidance to the community, developers and planning officers on the Council’s approach to Section 106 planning obligations alongside the Community Infrastructure Levy.
The SPD aims to provide a consistent approach to the negotiation of planning contributions, to balance ongoing viability challenges with the need for planning applications to contribute to infrastructure to mitigate the impacts of growth. Now adopted, the SPD is now a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.
Community consultation on the SPD occurred between September and November 2022. The SPD has been revised taking into account feedback received through the consultation, to provide improved clarity and justification for contributions.
Planning Obligations SPD (PDF, 9.87 MB)
Planning Obligations SPD Consultation Summary Report (PDF, 268.25 KB)
Planning Obligations SPD Adoption Statement (PDF, 56.42 KB)
Planning Obligations SPD Strategic Environmental Assessment (PDF, 322.07 KB)
‘Biodiversity: How Biodiversity can be Protected and Enhanced in the Development Process (SPD) (2012)’ provides guidance to developers, householders and planners on how to protect and enhance biodiversity in the borough. It was formally adopted by the council on 22 February 2012.
Biodiversity (SPD) (PDF, 3.72 MB)
Biodiversity - Adoption Statement (PDF, 32.73 KB)
Biodiversity - Summary of Consultation Report (PDF, 287.08 KB)
Biodiversity - Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Statement (PDF, 29.72 KB)
The Trees and Development Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) provides guidance to developers, householders and planners on legislation, planning requirements and the protection of trees. It is based on:
The SPD was formally adopted by the council on 22 February 2012.
Trees and Development (SPD) (2012) (PDF, 1.90 MB)
Trees and Development - Adoption Statement (PDF, 32.94 KB)
Trees and Development - Summary of Consultation Report (PDF, 222.24 KB)
An Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening Statement has been produced to accompany the Trees and Development SPD.
Trees and Development - Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Statement (PDF, 31.23 KB)
The supplementary planning document (SPD) ‘Saturation Point — Addressing the Health Impact of Hot Food Takeaways’ explains the council’s overall guidance on controlling the development of hot food takeaways (Use Class A5) in the borough. Part of a strategic approach to tackle the borough’s obesity problem, particularly childhood obesity, it advises on the appropriate location and concentration of such premises.
The SPD supports policies in the Local Development Framework Core Strategy and the council’s emerging Development Plan Documents. It was formally adopted on 21 July 2010.
Saturation Point (SPD) - Addressing the Health Impacts of Hot Food Takeaway (PDF, 897.28 KB)
Summary of Consultation Responses (PDF, 2.09 MB)
Hot Food Takeaways - Adoption Statement (PDF, 28.73 KB)
Copies of the above documentation can also be inspected at Barking Town Hall and at libraries throughout the borough during normal opening hours.
The Residential Extensions and Alterations SPD provides guidance for people who want to extend and improve their home. The SPD provides further detail on the policies ‘BP8: Protecting Residential Amenity’ and ‘BP11: Urban Design of the Borough Wide Development Policies (DPD) (2011)’. It forms part of the borough’s Local Plan.
The SPD was formally adopted by the council on 22 February 2012.
Residential Extensions and Alterations (SPD) (2012) (PDF, 1.46 MB)
Residential Extensions and Alterations - Adoption Statement (PDF, 31.65 KB)
Residential Extensions and Alterations - Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Statement (PDF, 32.01 KB)
The Barking Station Masterplan SPD explains the council’s overall guidance for the site allocation BTCSSA3 of the Barking Town Centre Area Action Plan (2011). Part of the council’s Local Development Framework, it reflects and provides further detail on policies contained in the Local Plan.
The Barking Station Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document was formally adopted by the council on 22 February 2012.
Barking Station Masterplan (SPD) (2012) (PDF, 4.4 MB)
Barking Station Masterplan - Adoption Statement (PDF, 34.54 KB)
Barking Station Masterplan - Statement of Representations Report (PDF, 948.62 KB)
An Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening Determination has been produced to accompany the Barking Station Masterplan SPD.
Barking Station Masterplan - SEA Screening Determination (PDF, 33.57 KB)
Last Orders? Preserving Public Houses (SPD) contains the council’s guidance on protecting pubs. It supplements policies set out in the Local Plan and was adopted 17 September 2014
Last Orders Preserving Public Houses (SPD) (2014) (PDF, 993.32 KB)
Last Orders Preserving Public Houses - Adoption Statement (PDF, 100.09 KB)
Last Orders Preserving Public Houses (SPD) (2014) 1 (PDF, 993.32 KB)
A Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening Determination has been produced to accompany the Last Orders? Preserving Public Houses (SPD).
Last Orders - Preserving Public Houses - SEA Screening (PDF, 63.71 KB)