Cost of living survey
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If a member of the public is feeling intimidated or harassed, unwell or just in need of some help, they can look for the Safe Haven sign and know instantly that they can get assistance there.
Public premises such as shops, cafes, pubs, libraries and other places of interest can register to be officially known as a ‘safe haven’.
Premises display a Safe Haven sticker on their window and ensure that staff are aware of how to offer appropriate support.
Safe Haven In Case of Emergency Contact cards are available from Barking and Dagenham Council’s Community Safety Partnership Team so if someone needs assistance, they can go to the safe haven business and show their card to someone there. The card will explain who can help them (e.g., friend or relative).
Find out more about the Safe Haven scheme
You can access our Safe Haven training slides and business pack for more information on what being a Safe Haven can do for our communities in Barking and Dagenham.
Training slides (PDF, 332.57KB)
Business_Pack (PDF, 6.45MB)