Safeguarding adults at risk of abuse or neglect

Everyone has the right to live in safety, free from fear of abuse or neglect. No matter who is doing it, or where it is happening, it is still abuse.

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Safeguarding adults report a concern form

Safeguarding Adults Keeping Safe leaflet (PDF, 1.95 MB)

Easyread Keeping Safe leaflet (PDF, 16.2 MB)

Large print Keeping Safe leaflet (DOCX, 34.95 KB)

Watch the safeguarding video

Adult Intake Team

Contact the Adult Intake Team if you are concerned that an adult at risk is being abused or neglected.

Telephone 020 8227 2915


Safeguarding adults at risk of neglect or abuse 

Some adults may be less able to protect themselves from violence, because of mental or physical disability, their age or an illness. Safeguarding means identifying and preventing risks or harm, and includes:

  • responding to and investigating any suspected instances of abuse or neglect
  • supporting adults at risk to report any concerns while also helping them to keep themselves safe
  • supporting adults at risk to stop abuse or neglect and to access the services they need, such as advocacy, victim support, and care and support services

Keeping people safe is everyone’s responsibility. By making safeguarding personal and supporting adults at risk of abuse or neglect we are all able to help them gain greater control over their lives.

  • you may see or hear something
  • you may notice injuries that make you feel worried
  • you may notice a change in behaviour
  • the person may tell you

Types of abuse

  • physical
  • sexual
  • psychological
  • financial
  • modern slavery
  • discrimination
  • organisational
  • neglect
  • self neglect
  • domestic abuse

Report your concern

If you're a resident and have a concern report this immediately to the police or to the council, depending on how serious you feel the safety risk is.


In an emergency you should always call 999 and ask for the police.

Or call 101 If you are worried but it is not an emergency.

Adult social care intake and access team

020 8227 2915

Out of hours emergency social work duty team

0208 215 3000

Someone to speak on your behalf

If you need somebody to speak for you and help raise your concerns, contact Cambridge House Advocacy.

Tackling neglect in Barking and Dagenham

The effects of neglect on children are significant in their childhood, through adolescence and into adulthood. Sometimes the effects are fatal.

Early identification and timely intervention are extremely important to ensure the safety, wellbeing and continued appropriate development of children and young people.

All professionals need to be knowledgeable, confident, and competent in identifying and naming neglect.

Find out more on our tackling neglect in Barking and dagenham pages

Cambridge House Advocacy

020 7358 7007

Concern form for professionals

This form is for professionals only. Downloadable versions of this form and information about how forms are processed can be found on our Care and Support Hub.