Adult learning

Our Adult College offers a wide range of exciting adult education courses for personal development, work and leisure

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Adult College of Barking and Dagenham

Many courses fill up quickly so enrol early to ensure your place.


Full details of courses available

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Our tuition fees are one of the lowest in London. If you are receiving Universal Credit, courses leading to a nationally recognised qualification may be free. If you are seeking work and receive Council Tax Benefit you may also be entitled to a free qualification course. For more information on the courses available call 020 8270 4722 or email

Our premises in Ripple Road (Barking) and Parsloes Avenue (Dagenham) offer state of the art facilities for adult learning.

Our friendly student services team offer a broad range of support to assist you if you have:

  • a mental health difficulty
  • difficulty with reading, writing or using numbers
  • a specific learning difficulty
  • a physical disability which may hinder your learning

Financial support

We also have a number of financial support funds to help you with the cost of your learning, including

  • childcare while you study,
  • travel
  • help to purchase books
  • specialist equipment for your course