
All Saints School is running a formal consultation with relevant stakeholders and the community to explore the possible expansion of the existing Sixth Form.

The increase in the 16-19 demographic locally, based upon the numbers of students already in local schools and projected data provided by DfE and Barking and Dagenham Council, shows that in future years, the school may have to review its entrance criteria or reject a significant number of applicants, unless it is able to expand the school’s estate to create additional places for students.

The basis for the consultation is a proposal to expand All Saints School Sixth Firms a further 35 places into Year 12 starting in September 2025 increasing the total capacity of the Sixth Form to 350 to 420. As part of the expansion it is proposed to build a new sixth form centre of approximately 1000m2.

All Saints Catholic School sixth form expansion letter (PDF, 753.62KB)

All Saints Catholic School sixth form expansion consultation