St Chads Park

This Victorian style park is the oldest park in the borough and the first parts of it dates from 1830.   It covers 15 hectares (35 acres). The main entrance is from Japan Road, leading to Chadwell Heath High Road. Other entrances lead to Alexandra Road / West Road, Chadville Gardens, and to Park Lane.


  • children's play area inside an enclosed dog free zone
  • 2 football pitches
  • 4 tennis courts
  • 1 cricket pitch
  • 1 bowling green
  • basketball area
  • ornamental gardens
  • wildlife conservation area
  • quiet seating area

Friends of St Chads Park

A Friends Group is currently being established and all those interested in the park are welcome to attend.


Wheelchair access around most of the park is good.

Car parking

There is a car park situated at the Alexandra Road entrance.
