Supported Employment Programme

The Council’s free employment service, B&D Works, offers a Local Supported Employment programme to help adults with learning disabilities, autism, or both to move into and stay in work.

Learning Disabilities

Supported Employment includes five types of support:

  1. Participant engagement - An opportunity for you to find out about Supported Employment model and make an informed choice on whether it is right for you
  2. Vocational profiling - A detailed and unique discovery and planning process that enables you to identify what you want to achieve and work out a plan for getting there
  3. Engaging Employers - The person providing you with LSE support (“LSE Support Worker”) learns about the job and works out a plan with the employer on how they will support you through the recruitment process and in the workplace
  4. Job Matching - The LSE Support Worker and you work together to find vacancies that meet your employment goals
  5. In-work support and career development - You are supported to learn the job and sustain employment, this could include job coaching at work, training, support from a workplace mentor and regular workplace reviews

To be eligible for the programme, individuals must be aged 18+, have a learning disability or autism or both and meet the Equality Act 2010 definition of disability.

Individuals must not be on another Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) contracted employment programme or provision including the European Social Fund.

Individuals must also not be on another employment programme or provision delivered by another government department, charitable trust, or third party.

Individuals must not be in work or full-time education.


Self-referrals and referrals from care coordinators and other providers are accepted.

Register your interest with B&D Works

Refer a resident for 121 Support from B&D Works

B&D Works Website


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