Cost of living survey
Help us improve the cost of living support in Barking and Dagenham by taking part in our survey. Your feedback is invaluable in enhancing the support we offer!
Applications for a new club premises certificate or a variation to an existing certificate (other than a minor variation) must be advertised by a Public Notice prominently displayed so that it is easily visible 24-hours a day from the outside of the premises, for a period of not less than 28 days, starting the day after the application is submitted (the consultation period). For large premises the notice must be repeated every 50m.
The notice must be in the format prescribed by the council and printed on light blue paper. A copy of the Public Notice will also be displayed on the Council’s website for the whole of the consultation period
Applications for Minor variations must be advertised by displaying a Public Notice in the prescribed format, printed on white paper, so that it is easily visible 24-hours a day from the outside of the premises, for a period of 10 working days starting on the working day after the minor variation application was submitted.