Cost of living survey
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We only allow street trading in approved areas, in designated streets, where highway safety and the interests of neighbouring properties will not be reduced. For such sites a trader’s licence must be obtained from the licensing team.
To take action on illegal street trading, we need to know:
When we identify unlicensed street trading, the trader’s materials can be seized, including perishable items, and offenders can be prosecuted or issued with a £150 fixed penalty fine.
In cases of breaches of the conditions of street trading licences, offenders may be prosecuted or issued with a £100 fixed penalty fine.
It is illegal to trade, sell or repair vehicles (including caravans) on the public highway or other public places, and we do not issue street trading licences for this purpose.
If you want to report illegal vehicle repairs, trading and sales, try to get the following information for your report:
Report illegal vehicle sales, trading or repairs
If you report an illegal vehicle business, we’ll investigate. In the first instance, we’ll write to the individual to notify them. If the problem continues, we’ll ask you to fill in activity log sheets, and we’ll conduct spot checks to gather evidence. If formal action is required, we can issue a £100 fixed penalty fine or prosecute. We may also remove the motor vehicle(s) to keep as evidence as part of our investigation.
Some mechanics and businesses use the public highway as an extension of their garages, and for vehicle sales. This can cause nuisance to local residents, and it takes up valuable car parking spaces. Repairing vehicles on the street can also look unsightly, lead to damage of the local environment and present a danger to the public.