
Leaders Live session 27 January 2022
Council leaders to host Facebook Live Q&A on budget proposals

Residents are invited to find out more about Barking and Dagenham Council’s latest budget proposals by joining an online Facebook Live Q&A event this week.

The live question-and-answer session will take place on Thursday, 27 January between 6pm and 7pm, and will be hosted on the Facebook page of Councillor Darren Rodwell, the Leader of the Council.

Joining him to answer questions about the 2022/23 budget proposals will be Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance, Performance and Core Services, Councillor Dominic Twomey. 

24 January 2022
Council tenant fined thousands for subletting his property

An investigation by Barking and Dagenham Council’s fraud investigators has resulted in a man, now living in Leeds, pleading guilty to subletting his council property.


In January 2020, council officers received information that Mr Jonathan Green was not living at his two-bedroom flat at Colne House, Barking which he obtained in 2019.


24 January 2022
Sunny side down for Dagenham café as it’s fined huge fee

A local café has been ordered to pay a fine of nearly £2,000 after it failed to provide documents that showed how it disposed of its waste following a routine inspection from Barking and Dagenham Council enforcement officers.

Officers visited KSD Café Limited, which was trading as Big Breakfast Café on 27 September 2019 and issued them with a notice to provide their Waste Transfer Notes (WTN) for the last two years within 14 days.

19 January 2022
Barking Abbey School's logo on school building
Leading London school teams up with mental health specialists

Barking Abbey School in east London has partnered with the mental resilience programme Mindscreen, enrolling 660 pupils after a successful trial.

The pandemic has disrupted young people's lives at home and school, and piled pressure on mental health services and Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCos).

17 January 2022
Image of hands holding a plant
Go greener with council’s Green Garden Waste collection service!

Residents of Barking and Dagenham are being urged to add some green plans to their New Year resolutions and do their bit for the planet by signing up to the council’s Green Garden Waste collection service.

The service, which costs just £41 for the year, collects and recycles cut flowers, weeds, leaves, grass cuttings, twigs and hedge trimmings.

17 January 2022
Barking Town Hall
Court of Appeal rules council’s traveller injunction to be legal

Barking and Dagenham’s traveller injunction has been ruled to be legal. The council and 11 other local authorities took the case to the Court of Appeal in December 2021. 

The council’s Legal Services represented four of the successful other councils.

The Court of Appeal on Thursday, 13 January, overturned the May 21 judgment of the High Court. Mr Justice Nicklin had previously ruled that a local council cannot have a ‘persons unknown’ injunction that binds ‘newcomers’.

14 January 2022
Crooked Camden landlord fined nearly £65k

A dodgy landlord from Camden has been ordered to pay over £64,000 for breaking housing regulations on a property in Barking.

0n the 20 July, last year, Mr Sumon Miah of Mortimer Terrace, Highgate was found guilty at Barkingside Magistrates Court for breaching a planning enforcement notice served on a property being used illegally as a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO).

10 January 2022
Eastbury Community School's Children in Need display
Barking school sends thousands to charities

Eastbury Community School once again raised thousands of pounds for charity last term.

The school supports the Movember campaign every year by increasing awareness of prostate and testicular cancer and raising money for the charity. As well as staff getting sponsored to grow 'mos', there were assemblies to deliver the campaign's key messages, including supporting conversation around mental health to lower the rates of suicide, especially amongst men who find it difficult to talk about their problems.

7 January 2022