
idling van
Barking and Dagenham Council backs the Engine Off. Every Stop Campaign

With climate change now at the top of the news agenda, drivers using roads in Barking and Dagenham are being encouraged to turn their vehicle engines off when they’re not moving.

The move follows the council’s declaration of a climate emergency in 2020 and is part of its ambitious plans to create a cleaner, greener borough, by cutting unnecessary air pollution.

Leaving engines running while they’re stationary - also known as engine ‘idling’ - can have a huge impact on the health of other residents who may be walking, cycling or jogging nearby.

1 November 2021
Barking Town Hall
Give us more – council calls for fair funding from Government

Residents of Barking and Dagenham who are most in need could be entitled to help and support from the Household Support Scheme and are being encouraged to get in touch with the council to get help and support through the winter.

The borough’s share of the scheme is £2.1m, which falls far short of the money our residents have lost as a result of the £20 a week Universal Credit reduction.

The funding will be available to vulnerable residents to support them with essentials over the coming months.

1 November 2021
Illegal cigarettes
Raids lead to seizure of thousands of illegal cigarettes from east London shops

In part two of Operation CeCe, Barking and Dagenham Council’s Trading Standards Team have removed over 17,000 illicit cigarettes and tobacco being sold in local shops.

Operation CeCe is a London Wide Tobacco project funded by HM Revenue and Customs. The initiative supports the council’s boroughwide Tobacco Control Strategy, which aims to disrupt the supply of underage and illegal tobacco.

29 October 2021
staff, pupils and the Mayor of Barking and Dagenham
Pupils and parents come together to celebrate Black History Month at East London school.

Pupils in year 5 at James Cambell Primary School in Dagenham presented an assembly to their parents and special guest Councillor Edna Fergus, Her Worshipful, The Mayor of Barking and Dagenham, to celebrate Black History Month.


The children told the story of how attitudes to race in sport have changed over time and explained how taking the knee has become a powerful symbol. They also spoke of the discrimination that black footballers and tennis players have faced and celebrated their great achievements.


22 October 2021
Cllr Mullane, Trading Standards Officers and Fresco staff
Local businesses receive responsible retailer accreditation

Several businesses in Barking and Dagenham have been presented with certificates to show that they have agreed to abide by the terms of the London Responsible Retailer Agreement and will sell and store knives legally and safely. 

14 businesses originally signed up to the agreement earlier this year but following test purchases set by the council’s Trading Standards officers, three businesses failed.

The purpose of the agreement is to promote the responsible selling of knives and to prevent people under the age of 18 from acquiring them.

19 October 2021
Trading Standards
Barking and Dagenham Council to mark London Trading Standards Week

Next week is London Trading Standards Week and Barking and Dagenham Council will be marking the week by running several targeted operations throughout the week.

London Trading Standards Week runs from Monday 18 October to Friday 22 October and each day focuses on something different from scams to the sales of knives to young people.

18 October 2021
Image of products available in The Good House
New pop-up concept store launches to give young careers a kickstart

Today sees the launch of an exciting new pop-up shop designed to help local young people learn new skills and sell their products within the community.

The initiative has been created by young adults from Barking and Dagenham through the Every One Every Day initiative and the Kickstart Programme. Kickstart is part of the Government-backed programme designed to provide paid employment opportunities to young adults between 16 and 24 years old on universal credit.

15 October 2021
Cllr Ashraf with the Parks Team
Borough’s parks retain prestigious Green Flag status

ix parks across Barking and Dagenham have once again been recognised as some of the best in the country, after being named in the Keep Britain Tidy Green Flag Awards for 2021.

Barking Park, Beam Parklands, Eastbrookend Country Park, Greatfields Park, Mayesbrook Park, and St. Chad's Park joined 444 other green spaces from across the capital to be granted the prestigious award.

We’re delighted that once again the parks and green spaces in our borough have been recognised as being among the best in the country

14 October 2021
Op CeCe
Thousands of illegal cigarettes taken off the streets in east London

In a planned operation by Barking and Dagenham Council’s Trading Standards team, officers raided several businesses in the borough and seized over 12,000 illicit cigarettes.

The team were participating in the first day of Operation CeCe, a London Wide Tobacco project funded by HMRC (in full). The initiative supports the council’s boroughwide Tobacco Control Strategy, which aims to disrupt the supply of underage and illegal tobacco.

13 October 2021
Safety Walkabout
Council ramps up action to improve safety in Barking and Dagenham

Earlier this year, Barking and Dagenham Council held an online Women’s Safety Survey, so that women could highlight areas in the borough where they felt unsafe.

The survey was conducted following the tragic death of Sarah Everard in March and women were able to either drop pins on locations across the borough where they the feel unsafe, complete an anonymous form highlighting areas where they don’t feel safe and share ideas on how women could feel more safer in the borough.

13 October 2021