Regulation 19 evidence base and supporting documents

Evidence based documents to support the council's Local Plan Review.

Chapter 3: Transforming Barking and Dagenham

LBBD Infrastructure Delivery Plan

LBBD Green Grid & Biodiversity Strategy

LBBD Townscape and Socioeconomic Characterisation Study

Barking Riverside Gateways Housing Zone

Industrial Land Strategy (PDF, 8.11MB)

Sustainability Appraisal (PDF, 5.21MB)

Sustainability Appraisal Non-Technical Summary (PDF, 497KB)

Chapter 4: Design

LBBD Townscape and Socioeconomic Characterisation Study

Barking Town Centre Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan

Historic England: Tall Buildings Advice Note 4 (Consultation Draft)

Heritage Strategy 2016-2020

Conservation Area Appraisals

Chapter 5: Housing

LBBD Strategic Housing Market Assessment and Update (PDF, 7.47MB)

LBBD Strategic Land Availability Assessment

Appendix C.1:

Site Boundaries

The Housing Land Availability Assessment (PDF, 538KB)

The Economic Land Availability Assessment (PDF, 353KB)

Housing Evidence Paper (PDF, 620KB)

Five Year Land Supply Statement (PDF, 938KB)

LBBD Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (PDF, 2.16MB)

Gypsy and Traveller Site Selection Paper (PDF, 4.97KB)

LBBD Local Plan Viability Study (PDF, 1,762KB)

Chapter 6: Social Infrastructure

LBBD Infrastructure Delivery Plan

LBBD Playing Pitch Strategy

LBBD Parks and Open Spaces Strategy

Strategic Assessment of Need - Artificial Grass Pitch (AGP) Provision in London 2017-41 (Sport England)

Strategic Assessment of Need - Swimming Pools Provision in London 2017-41 (Sport England)

Strategic Assessment of Need - Sports Hall Provision in London 2017-41 (Sport England)

GLA School Place Demand Projections

LBBD Faith groups and meeting places: Evidence Base Study

GLA London Cultural Infrastructure Plan

An Audit of London Burial Provision - A report for the Greater London Authority

Chapter 7: Economy

LBBD Borough Industrial Strategy (PDF, 8.11MB)

Barking and Dagenham Retail and Town Centre Study Update and Addendum Report

Barking and Dagenham Retail and Town Centre Study Update and Addendum Report

LBBD Economic and Temporary Use Strategy

GLA Safeguarded Wharves Review

GLA Hot Food Takeaways Topic Paper

Projections of Demand and Supply for Visitor Accommodation in London

The Value of Workspace (Institute of Public Policy Research)

The Industrial Strategy Addendum (PDF, 398KB)

Chapter 8: Natural Environment

LBBD Habitats Regulations Assessment (PDF, 3.11MB)

LBBD Infrastructure Delivery Plan

LBBD Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity Strategy

London Environment Strategy

LBBD Parks and Open Spaces Strategy

LBBD Playing Pitch Strategy

LBBD Green Belt Review

LBBD Biodiversity Survey

LBBD SINCs Citation

All London Green Grid SPG

Ecological Assessment of mounded land to the east of Padnall Lake

Chapter 9: Sustainable Infrastructure

Be First Waste Needs Assessment (PDF, 1.3MB)

London Environment Strategy

London Waste Planning Forum: Monitoring Report

London Plan Topic Paper: Waste

GLA Energy Assessment Guidance

LBBD Strategic Flood Risk Assessment L1

Appendix A (PDF, 3.36 MB)

Appendix B (PDF, 3.56 MB)

Appendix C (PDF, 7.81 MB)

Appendix D1 (PDF, 6.81 MB)

Appendix D2 (PDF, 6.58 MB)

Appendix D3 (PDF, 2.62 MB)

Appendix D4 (PDF, 3.24 MB)

Appendix E1 (PDF, 6.57 MB)

Appendix E2 (PDF, 6.56 MB)

Appendix F (PDF, 4.27 MB)

Appendix G1 (PDF, 2.31 MB)

Appendix G2 (PDF, 2.31 MB)

Appendix G3 (PDF, 2.28 MB)

Appendix G4 (PDF, 2.28 MB)

Appendix G5 (PDF, 2.27 MB)

Appendix G6 (2.32 MB)

Appendix H (PDF, 3.08 MB)

Appendix I (PDF, 4.52 MB)

Appendix J (PDF, 6.52 MB)

Appendix K (PDF, 2.85 MB)

Appendix L (PDF, 3.41 MB)

Appendix M1 (PDF, 1.78 MB)

Appendix M2 (PDF, 2.55 MB)

Appendix M3 (PDF, 2.83 MB)

Appendix M4 (PDF, 2.48 MB)

Appendix M5 (PDF, 2.7 MB)

Appendix M6.pdf (2.82 MB)

Appendix N1 (PDF, 3.34 MB)

Appendix N2 (PDF, 3.32 MB)

Appendix O (PDF, 3.56 MB)

LBBD Strategic Flood Risk Assessment L2

Appendix A: Location of Strategic Development Sites

Appendix B: Matrix of Areas

Appendix C: Barking Town Centre

Appendix D: Barking Riverside

Appendix E: Creekmouth

Appendix F: Thames Road

Appendix G: Dagenham Dock

Appendix H: Ford Stamping Plant & Beam Park

Appendix I: Chadwell Heath

Appendix J: Wantz Industrial Estate

Appendix K: Dagenham East

Appendix L: Rippleside

Appendix M: Dagenham Leisure Park

Appendix N: Barking & Dagenham College

Appendix O: Marks Gate

Appendix P: River Road Part A

Appendix P: Piver Road Part B

LBBD Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

East London Waste Authority (ELWA) Joint Waste Development Plan

Chapter 10: Transport

Local Implementation Plan 3

LBBD Transport Impact Assessment

Local Plan Existing and Proposed Cycle Routes

Borough-wide Transport Strategy Topic Paper (ARUP) (PDF, 4.98MB)

A walking and cycling strategy for LBBD (PDF, 6.74MB)

Chapter 11: Enabling Delivery

Preface: LBBD Local Plan Viability Study

LBBD Local Plan Viability Study (PDF, 1,762KB)

Appendix 1 (PDF, 392KB)

Appendix 2 (PDF, 409KB)

Appendix 3 (PDF, 407KB)

Appendix 4 (PDF, 175KB)

Appendix 5 (PDF, 1,265KB)

Appendix 6 (PDF, 211KB)

Supporting Documents

LBBD Duty to Co-operate Statement (PDF, 313KB)

Local Plan Regulation 19 Consultation Statement (PDF, 1.25MB)