What bulky waste items we collect

When you book your bulky waste collection, you must tell us about all of the items. We will not be able to collect anything that has not been included in your order.

You won't be able to add anything else to your order once you've placed it, so think carefully about what you need to get rid of and include everything you need in the order.

The table below contains the complete list of items that we collect. Three bin-sized bags are considered one item.

Items we collect      
animal hutch/kennel armchair barbecue bath (not cast iron)
bed base bedside cabinet bicycle blinds (one set)
bookcase or cabinet bunk bed frame carpet, underlay, vinyl or laminate chest of drawers
child's cot clothes horse or drier commode compost bin
computer or games console computer monitor cooker cooker hub
cupboard desk chair - dining, rocking, garden (up to 2) dishwasher
door dustbin electric radiator exercise machine
fire surround (wood) fish tank footstool/pouffe fridge or freezer (domestic, any size)
golf clubs (including bag) headboard (any size) Hi-fi system/DVD/video player (single unit) household tools
household waste individual shelves (up to 3 count as one item) ironing board kitchen cabinet
kitchen utensils lawnmower mattress (any size)


mirror ottoman paddling pool piano
play equipment printer pushchair radiator
rotary line satellite dish sewing machine shelf unit
shower cubicle sink small electrical goods (up to 3) snooker or pool table
sofa speakers (up to 5) stair gate strimmer
suitcase sun lounger table (any size) toilet
toilet seat trampoline tumble dryer or spin dryer TV
TV cabinet walking aids wardrobe washing machine or washer dryer
water butt wheelbarrow wheelchair worktop (one piece)