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The Neglect Strategy 2024 – 27 aims to prevent and reduce the impact of neglect on children and young people and their families, and vulnerable adults, in Barking and Dagenham. We will do this by ensuring:
There are a number of principles that underpin this commitment and our ways of working to achieve our aims:
All partners will sign up to the Neglect Strategy 2024-27 and will work to deliver the aims and priorities of the strategy.
Our workforce must be equipped to consistently recognise neglect and risk of neglect as early as possible, as well as understand the child’s lived experience of neglect.
Our workforce must be equipped to consistently respond to neglect – making sure children, young people, families, and adults get the right help, at the right time, from the right person, in the right way. This will include ensuring we can evidence the impact of our interventions, and that we minimise drift and delay especially for those children, young people and vulnerable adults at most risk of neglect.
We will ensure that the Neglect Strategy 2024 - 27 and related Neglect Improvement Plan are reviewed and updated in the context of future national, regional, and local learning. We will ensure that learning from national and local practice is dispersed across our workforce and that learning informs our practice. We will also make use of BDSCP quality assurance work, including conducting multi agency reviews.
Full Neglect Strategy 2024 – 27 (PDF, )
‘At a glance’ version of the Neglect Strategy 2024 -27 (PDF, 145.36 KB)
All professionals working with families in Barking and Dagenham must be familiar with the Neglect Strategy and should have read at the very least the ‘at a glance’ version.